github willowtreeapps/assertk v0.23

latest releases: v0.28.1, v0.28.0, v0.27.0...
4 years ago


  • Minimum supported kotlin version is 1.4.0
  • Multiplatform artifacts are published as a single artifact. You can now just write
    sourceSets {
      commonTest {
        dependencies {
           implementation "com.willowtreeapps.assertk:assertk:..."

instead of defining one for each platform.

  • Added support for the Kotlin/JS IR compiler
  • Added optional displayActual function to assertThat as an alternative to .toString() for external types
  • Moved most String assertions to CharSequence


  • Added prop function with KProperty1 argument.
  • Added containsExactlyInAnyOrder assertion for Iterable and primitive arrays
  • Added initial Coroutines artifact (additional support planned for the future)


  • Deprecated prop function with KCallable argument. Use the new overload
    with type-safe KProperty1 argument or another overload with explicit name and lambda.


  • Primitive array 'contains' methods now work with NaN. ex:
    will pass when it failed before.
  • Fixes a bug causing failures to sometimes be dropped in a nested assertion context

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