Addax 4.2.4 has released! 🎉
- bfec4b5 [update][plugin][clickhouse] Bump com.clickhouse:clickhouse-jdbc from 0.6.5 to 0.8.1 (#1206)
- bcc57b4 [feat][lib][rdbms] Add support for Quoting reversed column names
- 5c1ee2d [feat][lib][rdbms] add exclude column item(excludeItem) for rdbms reader(#1205)
- 93a92cd [update][plugin][hdfsreader] remove unused parameter in file read methods
- fd3d818 [update][plugin][hdfsreader] Add javadoc
- c2ff30c [update][lib][rdbms] remove unused method: GetPrimaryKeyUtil#getSchema
- a3e2a91 [improve][plugin][hdfsreader] ignore hidden directory or file
- 763010d [update][lib][storage] change the aircompressor scope from compile to runtime
- 26d65d5 [bugfix][plugin][hdfsreader] fix schema handling logic
- 9e20147 [update][lib][storage] exclude older commons-io and commons-lang3 deps from commons-compress
- abe02fe [update][plugin][hdfswriter] remove unused imports
- af3aa65 [improve][plugin][paimonwriter] remove aws hadoop deps to reduce package size
- 62ea66f [update][plugin][hdfs] typo fix
- 17509f7 [update][github] Add enforcer verify while PR triggered
- 23226fe [update][maven][enforcer] comply with enforcer plugin rules
- cca86d7 create svg logo file
- e367149 [update][deps][databendwriter] Bump com.databend:databend-jdbc from 0.3.2 to 0.3.4
- 9ae3bbe [improve][plugin][rdbmswriter] ignore writeMode if present instead of throw exception
- 232c9f6 [update][deps] Bump some deps to updated version
- 4b55145 [update][docs] wrap long lines for better mobile readability
- 14834c0 [update][plugin][s3writer] minor code style improve
- dc10764 [feat][lib][rdbms] set login timeout value for hive jdbc
- 00d2f8c [update][github] use MAVEN_OPTS env variable to set mvn compile behavior
- 0e2d49a [bugfix][plugin][rdbms] isolate database driver configurations using separate enum instances
- fc58d3e [bugfix][plugin][paimonwriter] write timestamp_ntz data error (#1198)
- 97a21d5 [update][docs] improve grammer
- f8c5bf8 [feat][docs] Add landing page (#1197)
- a5197ae [update][github][action] Bump actions/setup-java from 4.6.0 to 4.7.0 (#1196)
- 2afd64f [add][plugin][hdfs] Add hdfsSitePath option to specify hdfs-site.xml path
- 2892565 [update] Add module description
- de79f0e [update][plugin][sybasewriter] download sybase jdbc driver from maven repo instead of local
- 376f9b2 [update][plugin][sybasereader] download sybase jdbc driver from maven repo instead of local
- 04c8f87 [update][core] remove legacy OSSRH setting
- 7a86838 [update][core] get the gpg private password from env instead of prompt
- 1168b44 [update][plugin][oraclereader] download sdoapi from maven repo instead of local
- 3c51d05 [feat] Migration of Accounts from ossrh to maven central repository
- 9c1af4d [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration