4.0.2 has released!
- You can download pre-compiled binary files from Addax-4.0.2 if you are in Chinese mainland, otherwise
- Download from addax-4.0.2.tar.gz
md5sum: cd3a3d6d0c79cbd3bcd259ebb47acbc5
Note: Because Aliyun drive does not support the sharing of compressed files currently, So, I add a .jpg
suffix for each binary file, you need to remove this suffix before you can use them
Release notes
- Add shrink package size script (#262)
- Add support for docker #265
- Update doc: Add JDBC-RESTful driver guide for TDengine database e847736
- Add support for writing a zip-compressed file (#282)
Reader plugins
hbase11xsql reader
- Change dependencies for reduce the size by half a1d548c
tdengine reader
- Bump taos-jdbcdriver from 2.0.32 to 2.0.33 (#261)
- Fix null pointer exception when not setting fetchSize item (#270)
Writer plugins
ftp writer
- Add support for zip compression format (#282)
- Add support for user authentication with public key (#283)
tdengine writer
txtfile writer
- Add support for zip compression format (#282)
It has 3 attachements
- Source code (zip)
- Source code (tar.gz)
- addax-4.0.2.tar.gz (pre-compiled binary package)