github werf/werf v1.2.303

latest releases: latest-signature, v2.5.0, v2.4.1...
2 months ago



  • deps: update Nelm (0c8f786)
  • nelm: deploy bundles using new deployment engine (a87ad6e)
  • nelm: skip removal of resources with missing/incorrect release annotations and labels (dc81fc3)

Bug Fixes

  • nelm: "werf converge" panics on first release (4272ea6)
  • nelm: allow empty and (187fc7e)
  • nelm: don't skip release if all resources up-to-date but the release itself changed (e208e9c)
  • nelm: missing expected annotations values in adoption errors (5fc5817)


To install werf we strongly recommend following these instructions.

Alternatively, you can download werf binaries from here:

These binaries were signed with PGP and could be verified with the werf PGP public key. For example, werf binary can be downloaded and verified with gpg on Linux with these commands:

curl -sSLO "" -O ""
curl -sSL | gpg --import
gpg --verify werf.sig werf

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