github werf/werf v1.2.12+fix1
werf v1.2.12+fix1

latest releases: latest-signature, v2.6.3, v2.6.2...
2 years ago

Support registry mirrors

feat(docker_registry): generic api with registry mirrors support
feat(docker_registry): init docker registry after docker for getting daemon info

Support arm64 builds

  • Added darwin and linux arm64 werf builds.

Support for platform=linux/amd64 emulation

  • Werf only supports building linux/amd64 images at the moment.
  • When running werf on arm64 platform werf requrires explicit param --platform=linux/arm64 (or WERF_PLATFORM, or DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM env. variable).
    • With this param werf would use buildkit to build Dockerfile-based images and also build stapel-based images using regular docker-run & docker-commit mechanics.


Update Helm 3 from v3.6.0 to v3.6.3.


fix(cleanup): host cleanup removes base images pulled by full name (REPO:TAG@DIGEST)

  • remove images that do not have any tags and digests instead of dangling

fix(compose): fix host cleanup gc panics in werf compose command

  • Added forgotten cli-options related to host cleanup procedure.


test(docker_registry): refactor
refactor(docker_registry): parse reference parts


Linux amd64

Linux arm64

Darwin amd64

Darwin arm64

Windows amd64

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