github werf/werf v1.2.1+fix4
werf v1.2.1+fix4

latest releases: latest-signature, v2.0.3, v2.0.2...
3 years ago


  • Fix quickstart minikube setup guides for MacOS and Windows.
    • Make a separate instructions list for Windows, MacOS and Linux OS in the quickstart guide.
    • Require for werf dependencies installation explicitly.

Werf CI and tests

[ci] Disable ECR and GitHub Packages cleanup tests more visibly.
[ci] Enable windows self hosted runners.
[ci] K8s versions: 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19.
[tests] Config Suite: fix line breaks.
[tests] Helm Suite


[render, windows] Fix helm does not recognize chart templates.
[windows] Fix unable to read file from local git repo.
[render] Fix comment with template source path.
Fix incorrect usage of println/printf-like functions.
Clean kubedog log from klog warnings: silence klog/v2 and klog.
Fix checking existence of secret files in chart.
[logging, debug] Disable debug docker messages.


[stapel] Remove the ability to cache each instruction separately with asLayers directive.
Remove unused code.
Remove samples.


Linux amd64

Darwin amd64

Windows amd64

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