github werf/werf v1.1.21+fix4
werf v1.1.21+fix4

latest releases: latest-signature, v2.0.3, v2.0.2...
3 years ago

Rework syncrhonization kubernetes param

  • Rework --syncrhonization param (WERF_SYNCHRONIZATION env var): specify all kube-related params in the URI-like string:
    • kubernetes://NAMESPACE[:CONTEXT][@(base64:BASE64_CONFIG_DATA)|CONFIG_PATH]
  • Added --kube-config-base64 param (or WERF_KUBECONFIG_BASE64, or WERF_KUBE_CONFIG_BASE64, or KUBECONFIG_BASE64 env var) support.
    • Werf does not generate config file and unpacks specified base64 yaml config into memory.
  • Improve validation of kube-connection params validation for synchronization components
    • Check KUBECONFIG env var setting and print warnings.

The new cleanup algorithm improvements and fixes

[cleanup] Git history based cleanup: improve algorithm

  • Add opportunity to keep images by publishing period.
  • Update default policies
  • Update cleanup section configuration:
    - references:
        branch: /.*/
        tag: /.*/
        last: 10
        createdIn: 168h
        operator: And
        last: 10
        publishedIn: 168h
        operator: And

[cleanup] Fail purge commands if deletion failed due to using by containers without the force option
[logging] Optimize verbose output
[tests] Cleanup Suite: git history based tests

Other: werf ci, tests, docs and small fixes

[ci] Enable GitHub Docker registry implementation tests
[ci] Fix shallow git clone makes several tests fail

[render] Fix stub env value ENV
Error: bad Helm release 'project-ENV' rendered by template '[[ project ]]-[[ env ]]': helm release name should be a valid DNS-1123 subdomain and be maximum 53 chars: a DNS-1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. '', regex used for validation is a-z0-9?(.a-z0-9?)*')


Linux amd64

Darwin amd64

Windows amd64

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