- [build] Fix remote git-mapping uses wrong commit-id for ls-tree when creating git-archive.
- [config] Process symlinks with .Files.Glob.
returns the hash of regular files and their contents for the paths that are matched pattern.
This function follows only symlinks pointed to a regular file (not to a directory).
- [docs] Add converge command and actualize some information.
- [docs] Reference/CI/CD workflows overview: Align tables content
- [docs] Sidebar: Add Организация CI/CD с помощью werf
- [docs] Fix broken links
- [docs] Regen cli docs: added converge command cli docs
- [docs] Reference/Working with Docker registries: JFrog and Nexus note
- [docs] Stapel Image/Running assembly instructions: actualize
- [docs][readme_ru] Actualize
- [ci_env] Fix redundant empty lines when using ci-env-file with verbose