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WEMIX3.0 Testnet Build (v0.9.8)

latest releases: w0.0.4-jed-test, w0.0.3-jed-test, w0.10.8...
pre-release2 years ago

Gwemix v0.9.8 is the first release of the official WEMIX3.0 testnet.

  • 1 second block interval
  • modified eip1559 / base fee scheme to suit sustained and rapid fluctuation of high traffic volumes
  • new minting & reward system
  • performance improvement


  • rpc -> http
  • core, params: wemix testnet genesis & boot nodes
  • gwemix: gmet -> gwemix
  • gwemix: rebranding
  • metadium: updated governance contract
  • metadium: reward distribution is 10000 based
  • miner: sets baseFee in pending block
  • metadium: new reward system
  • metadium/contracts: updated governance contract
  • miner: fixed incorrect block build interval when it's > 1 second
  • cmd, eth: network id 1111 and 1112 for mainnet and testnet, respectively
  • metadium: fixed ballot strorage initialization issue in governance deploy script
  • core: Fee in ExecutionResult is big.Int to avoid int64 overflow
  • consensus, core, metadium, miner, params: updated base fee calculation
  • metadium: updated governance contract
  • consensus, metadium: ignores base fee calculation during header verification stage during sync
  • consensus, core, metadium, miner: fixed gas limit before governance is set up
  • consensus, core, metadium, miner, params: governance integration, block building parameters from governance & updated base fee calculation
  • metadium: updated governance contract
  • metadium: updated wemix chain id
  • renamed: gnxt -> gwemix, ->, geth.ipc -> gwemix.ipc, --meta-testnet -> --wemix-testnet
  • chain-ids: mainnet=1111, testnet=1112
  • metadium, params: fixed gasPrice bug, set baseFee parameters
  • consensus, core, internal: enabled eip1559
  • metadium/scripts: no more initial DAG generation
  • metadium/scripts: ws port to 8598
  • consensus/ethash: hashimeta replaces hashimoto, does simple sha256 with seed and nonce
  • miner: timeIt, updated ahead condition
  • miner, metadium: various changes to make a block per second
  • cmd/geth, cmd/utils, cmd/params: parameters to build a block per second
  • ethdb/rocksdb: increased delay to free batch object
  • apply concept of compact window
  • update check logic
  • add etcdCompactWindow
  • feat: add etcd compact
  • eth/protocols/eth: handlers are go routines / asynchronous
  • metadium/metclient: sync.Map for better concurrency control for nonce cache
  • miner: removed unnecessary commitWork
  • ethdb/rocksdb: added 1 second delay to batch finalizer
  • nxtmeta: etcd upgraded to v3.5.2
  • nxtmeta: gmet -> gnxt and metadium -> nxtmeta (not all of them yet)
  • metadium: fixes for sync issues, pending block issue & chaindata directory name issue
  • miner: fixed pending block refresh issue
  • core/rawdb: db detection before opening
  • ethdb/rocksdb: null terminated file name string, fixed read only rocksdb
  • core, params: reverted metadium testnet berlin & london block height
  • metadium/scripts: removed chaindata* from wipe
  • eth/protocols/eth: updated GetBlockHeaders66() to handle legacy cases
  • metadium/scripts: updated to check if db is still open
  • conensus, metadium: allow block generation when governance is not initialized
  • core, params, consensus: testnet berlin & london block height, abort block generation upon rewards calculation error
  • consensus: abort upon rewards calculation error
  • core, params: update metadium testnet berlin & london block height
  • Makefile: fixed gmet-linux
  • Metadium - v1.10.16 merge
  • metadium/scripts: to start ws service
  • consensus, eth: restored ETH/65 protocol
  • Merge ethereum v1.10.16
  • core, params: berlin & london block place holders
  • metadium/scripts: updated genesis template
  • consensus/misc, core, core/vm: disabled EIP-1559 & EIP-3198, fixed option to include berlin as well
  • eth/ethconfig: unlimited gascap and feecap for now
  • rocksdb: bump-up rocksdb version to 6.27.3
  • etcd: added patched etcd
  • core: moved governance initialization check after block validation fails
  • metadium/scripts: update for new command line options
  • core: unon fast sync completion wait for governance to be initialized in order to calculate rewards distribution correctly
  • params: Berlin & London block numbers to nil
  • metadium: removed unnecessary contract calls
  • rpc: lowered log level for failed rpc request to Debug
  • ethdb/rocksdb: fixed iterator range issue

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