github webpack-contrib/terser-webpack-plugin v2.0.0

latest releases: v5.3.10, v5.3.9, v5.3.8...
4 years ago

2.0.0 (2019-09-05)


  • minimum require Node.js version is 8.9.0
  • the extractComments option is true by default
  • the cache option is true by default
  • the parallel option is true by default
  • using the extractComments.condition option with true value extract only some comments
  • the sourceMap option now defaults to depending on the devtool Webpack option

Bug Fixes


  • enable the cache option by default (#132) (960d249)
  • enable the extractComments option by default (ad2471c)
  • enable the parallel option by default (#131) (7b342af)
  • respect devtool values for source map generation (#140) (dd37ca1)

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