github web3/web3.js 0.15.0
Release 0.15.0

latest releases: v4.8.0, v4.7.0, v4.6.0...
8 years ago

This release includes minor bug fixes and a new way to get the call data of a contract call.

To get the call data when creating a new contract:

web3.contract(myABI).new.getData(param1, param2, {data: '0x12345...'})
// Returns e.g:  0x1234500000000003240000000023423

To get the call data of a contract method

var my contract = web3.contract(myABI).at(address);

contract.myMethod.getData(param1, param2)
// Returns e.g:  0x1234500000000003240000000023423

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