github web-platform-tests/wpt merge_pr_46734

latest releases: merge_pr_49470, epochs/three_hourly/2024-12-03_06H, epochs/six_hourly/2024-12-03_06H...
5 months ago

Add BFC tests for (-webkit-)line-clamp (#46734)

As was recently resolved in w3c/csswg-drafts#10323 and
w3c/csswg-drafts#10324, (-webkit-)line-clamp should always create an
independent formatting context whenever it applies. Furthermore, the
display: -webkit-box property will not cause the box to become a
flexbox, but it will be an independent block formatting context
instead (even for line-clamp, which doesn't require
display: -webkit-box to apply).

This patch adds some tests for it, and makes some other tests no
longer tentative.

Co-authored-by: Florian Rivoal

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