github web-infra-dev/rspack v0.7.1

latest releases: v0.7.4, v0.7.3, v0.7.2...
13 days ago

What's Changed


Check exports presence

Now Rspack will emit warnings for using non-existent exports and conflicting re-exports, checkout docs for more details.

10%-15% performance improvement for JavaScript parsing

The old JavaScript parser performs multiple times of parsing and code generation.
In this version, Rspack refactored the current implementation. It's one time parsing now.
Check out the PR for detail.


Performance Improvements ⚡

  • perf: parallel collect export presence diagnostics by @ahabhgk in #6676

Exciting New Features 🎉

Bug Fixes 🐞

Document Updates 📖

Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1

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