github weaviate/weaviate v1.2.0
v1.2.0 - Transformers Module

latest releases: v1.24.13, v1.25.0, v1.24.12...
3 years ago

Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:1.2.0

Breaking Changes


New Features

  • Use Transformer NLP Models with Weaviate out of the box

    With Weaviate release v1.0.0 we introduced a module API and the ability to import any vector. This allowed the usage of any Machine Learning Model with Weaviate. With this release we are making it even easier to use Weaviate with some of the most popular ML Models out there; transformers. This means models like BERT, DilstBERT, RoBERTa, DilstilROBERTa, etc. can be used out-of-the box with Weaviate.

    To use transformers with weaviate the text2vec-transformers module needs to be enabled. The models are encapsulated in Docker containers. This allows for efficient scaling and resource planning. Neural-Network-based models run most efficiently on GPU-enabled serves, yet Weaviate is CPU-optimized. This separate-container microservice setup allows you to very easily host (and scale) the model independently on GPU-enabled hardware while keeping Weaviate on cheap CPU-only hardware.

    To choose your specific model, you simply need to select the correct Docker container. There is a selection of pre-built Docker images available, but you can also build your own with a simple two-line Dockerfile.

    How to get started with transformers

    Option 1: With an example docker-compose file

    You can find an example Docker-compose file here, which will spin up Weaviate with the transformers module. In this example we have selected the sentence-transformers/msmarco-distilroberta-base-v2 which works great for asymmetric semantic search. See below for how to select an alternative model.

    Option 2: Configure your custom setup

    Step 1: Enable the text2vec-transformers module

    Make sure you set the ENABLE_MODULES=text2vec-transformers environment variable. Additionally make this module the default vectorizer, so you don't have to specify it on each schema class: DEFAULT_VECTORIZER_MODULE=text2vec-transformers

    Important: This setting is now a requirement, if you plan on using any module. So, when using the text2vec-contextionary module, you need to have ENABLE_MODULES=text2vec-contextionary set. All our configuration-generators / Helm charts will be updated as part of the Weaviate v1.2.0 support.

    Step 2: Run your favorite model

    Choose any of our pre-built transformers models (for building your own model container, see below) and spin it up (for example using docker run -itp "8000:8080" semitechnologies/transformers-inference:sentence-transformers-msmarco-distilroberta-base-v2) . Use a CUDA-enabled machine for optimal performance. Read more about CUDA-support on the inference container here !!!!TODO!!!.

    Step 3: Tell Weaviate where to find the inference container

    Set the Weaviate environment variable TRANSFORMERS_INFERENCE_API to where your inference container is running, for example TRANSFORMERS_INFERENCE_API="http://localhost:8000"

    You can now use Weaviate normally and all vectorization during import and search time will be done with the selected transformers model.

    Run with any transformers module

    You have three options to select your desired model:

    1. Use any of our pre-built transformers model containers The models selected in this list have proven to work well with semantic search in the past. (If you think we should support another model out-of-the-box please open an issue or pull request here.
    2. Use any model from Hugging Face Model Hub. Click here to learn how.
    3. Use any PyTorch or Tensorflow model from your local disk. Click here to learn how.

    Transformers-specific module configuration (on classes and properties)

    You can use the same module-configuration on your classes and properties which you already know from the text2vec-contextionary module. This includes vectorizeClassName, vectorizePropertyName and skip.

    In addition you can use a class-level module config to select the pooling strategy with poolingStrategy. Allowed values are masked_mean or cls. They refer to different techniques to obtain a sentence-vector from individual word vectors as outlined in the Sentence-BERT paper.


    • The Weaviate module system currently does not support running two different text2vec-... modules in the same setup. This is due to a limitation in the Explore { } search where both modules would try to provide an inter-class nearText searcher, which would be incompatible.
    • The configuration generator tool on our Website is not yet capable of selecting between a contextionary-focused or a transformer-focused setup. This will be added shortly. In the meantime the easiest way is to use an example Docker Compose file.



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