github weaviate/weaviate v1.1.0
v1.1.0 - nearObject, Performance Improvements, Bugfixes

latest releases: v1.25.0-rc.0, v1.24.10, v1.24.9...
3 years ago

Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:1.1.0
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Breaking Changes


New Features

  • nearObject search to get most similar objects (#1427)

    Prior to the introduction of this feature, the only way to get the objects closest to one another was to display an objects vector and then do a nearVector search with it. Now this can be done in a single step:

    GraphQL Get { ClassName(nearObject:{...}) {...}
    You can simply specify an object's id or beacon, such as:

          nearObject: {
            id: "27b5213d-e152-4fea-bd63-2063d529024d", // alternatively `beacon`
            certainty: 0.7
          _additional {

    Combining near Object with movements in the text2vec-contextionary module
    You can even add the nearObject search into an existing movement, for an example see the second code block here.

  • Cross-reference batch import speed improvements (#1334, #1259)

    Prior to this release importing cross-references in batches was no faster than importing objects. Internally adding a reference was seen as an update, which would lead to a deletion and creation of the updated version in all indices. However, since reference-updates do not alter the vector position of an object, a full reimport wasn't necessary. This release add's a special logic that recognizes such updates and treats them in an optimized fashion. A single reference batch is now considerably faster and even overall import speeds can improve between 30 and 50% depending on how cross-reference heavy your dataset is. Additionally, some improvements around writing into the inverted index in batches have been made, leading to a slightly improved import time for object batches on large imports.


  • Fix Search Inconsistencies during heavy write loads (#1362)

    Prior to this release there was a bug in the HNSW implementation which could lead to searches returning zero (or too few) results if the search was performed while an import was running. Such a situation is very common in classification scenarios where already classified objects are being written while other objects are being classified (which requires a similarity search).

    On large classifications this could lead to some to-be-classified items never finding any training data and thus not classifying the item. As a further symptom, these unclassified items could then be found in subsequent classifications. In such a scenario you might have seen two subsequent classification with count: 5000 and count: 20, suggesting a total fo 5020 objects - even when there were only 5000 objects present.

    This fix addresses the root cause of index inconsistencies while importing, which - among other things - fixes the classification miscount issue.

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