github weaviate/weaviate 0.22.19
0.22.19 - _certainty and moveAwayFrom improvements

latest releases: v1.24.11, v1.25.0-rc.0, v1.24.10...
3 years ago

Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.22.19
See also: example docker-compose files in English, Dutch, German, Czech, Italian. If you need to configure additional settings, you can also generate a custom docker-compose.yml file using the documentation.

Breaking Changes


New Features

  • Introduce certainty in Get {} with explore set (#1258)
    Prior to this release the certainty (i.e. how close is a result to the search query) could only be set on Explore {}, but not on Get {} with an additional explore parameter set. This release introduces the _certainty underscore prop which introduces this ability


  • Improvements in moveAwayFrom (#1267)
    This releases fixes issues where setting the moveAwayFrom parameter in Explore and Get{} with explore would lead to bad results that were in some cases not related to the original search term anymore. This fix uses an improved formula (see #1267 for details) to calculate the new position after moving.

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