github weaviate/weaviate 0.14.4
0.14.4 - Bugfix Janusgraph Filter perfomance at scale

latest releases: v1.24.11, v1.25.0-rc.0, v1.24.10...
4 years ago

Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.14.4


  • Fix #891: Janusgraph filter queries highly inefficient at medium to large scale
    We have identified that some GraphQL queries in previous versions made very inefficient use of the Elasticsearch index in the Janusgraph/Elasticsearch setup. While the index was used, it was only used for the most basic filtering, such as kind==Thing where the more fine-grade filtering, such as class=City or name=BestCity was instead happening in Janusgraph itself. This very primitive search basically lead to Janusgraph querying thousands upon thousands of random entries until the desired criteria was matched. In many cases - even at relatively low scales of 50k to 100k - this lead to request timeouts.

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