🚀 Enhancements
- PR: #2746 - Add an optional choice of NodePort
- PR: #2751 - Make automation details use getObject instead of dedicated endpoints
- PR: #2765 - List automations objects
- PR: #2781 - helm: Add network policy
- PR: #2780 - Set security context that passes enforce:restricted pod security
- PR: #2785 - implement flux install using the fluxexec package
- PR: #2786 - Take the user through a bootstrap wizard when they close gitops run
- PR: #2794 - add empty table row prop so it can be configured from parent component
- PR: #2791 - #2790: enable adding annotations to the weave-gitops deployment
🔥 UI
- PR: #2748 - Add pop up for Alert yaml
- PR: #2769 - Remove unused components
- PR: #2773 - Adds 'null' to undefined values in chips
- PR: #2783 - Add version and revision info to Helm detail pages
🐛 Bugs
- PR: #2767 - Use the correct labels to get reconciled objects
- PR: #2768 - Fix including pods in details pages
- PR: #2779 - Change dashboard installation to use OCI
- PR: #2787 - Fix events view to take clusters into account
- PR: #2766 - increase kubeClientTimeout and add environment variable option
- PR: #2809 - ui: Don't flatten children for the graph