Wazuh v4.1.3 - Kibana 7.10.0 , 7.10.2 - Revision 4104
- Creation of index pattern after the default one is changes in Settings #2985
- Added node name of agent list and detail #3039
- Added loading view while the user is logging to prevent permissions prompts #3041
- Added custom message for each possible run_as setup #3048
- Change all dates labels to Kibana formatting time zone #3047
- Improve toast message when selecting a default API #3049
- Improve validation and prevention for caching bundles on the client-side #3063 #3091
- Fixed unexpected behavior in Roles mapping #3028
- Fixed rule filter is no applied when you click on a rule id in another module.#3057
- Fixed bug changing master node configuration #3062
- Fixed wrong variable declaration for macOS agents #3066
- Fixed some errors in the Events table, action buttons style, and URLs disappeared #3086
- Fixed Rollback of invalid rule configuration file #3084