github wazuh/wazuh-ansible v3.9.3_7.2.0
Wazuh Ansible v3.9.3_7.2.0

latest releases: v4.11.0, v4.11.0-rc1, v4.11.0-beta1...
5 years ago


  • Update to Wazuh v3.9.3 (rshad PR#206)
  • Added Versioning Control for Wazuh stack's components installation, so now it's possible to specify which package to install for wazuh-manager, wazuh-agent, Filebeat, Elasticsearch and Kibana. (rshad PR#206)
  • Fixes for Molecule testing issues. Issues such as Ansible-Lint and None-Idempotent tasks. (rshad PR#206)
  • Fixes for Wazuh components installations' related issues. Such issues were related to determined OS distributions such as Ubuntu Trusty and CetOS 6. (rshad PR#206)
  • Created Ansible playbook and role in order to automate the uninstallation of already installed Wazuh components. (rshad PR#206)

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