github wavefrontHQ/wavefront-proxy wavefront-4.26
Wavefront Libraries 4.26

latest releases: proxy-13.5, proxy-13.4, proxy-13.3...
6 years ago

Proxy: add support and binaries for OpenSUSE (42.3), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (12.0, 12.1, 12.2), Oracle Linux (6, 7), Fedora (27)
Proxy: improve queueing performance (reduce thread contention)
Proxy: do not push back to connected clients while draining memory buffers to disk
Proxy: configurable timestamp cut-off limit for future-dated points
Proxy: preprocessor: support placeholders for point tags/metric name/source name in replaceRegex rules
Proxy: preprocessor: add new rule type "forceLowercase"
Proxy: preprocessor: track CPU time spent for every preprocessor rule to identify performance improvement opportunities
Proxy: logs ingestion: support placeholders for point tag values
Proxy: logs ingestion: support floating-point histogram samples
Proxy: reduce overhead for logging validPoints
dropwizard-metrics: Java 9/10 compatibility
yammer-metrics: add ability to not report zero counters and empty histograms

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