github wangqr/Aegisub v3.3.0
3.3.0 Release (on wangqr fork)

latest releases: v3.3.3, v3.3.2, v3.3.1...
4 years ago

This release is from wangqr/Aegisub fork, which is based on r8942 of the original Aegisub.
For changes from v3.2.2 to r8942, see .
Changes after r8942:

  • Added the "align to hardsub in video" function (thanks to @cqjjjzr)
  • Allow user change color for visual typesetting tool (thanks to @CoffeeFlux)
  • Bug fixes about HiDPI display issues
  • Bug fixes about timing calculation for video frame and audio FFT
  • Updated default configs (thanks to @CoffeeFlux)
  • Other fixes for building issues with updated dependencies
  • Experimental CMake build



Update 2019-09-10: Rebuilt the release due to #16
Update 2019-10-02: Added win32 build. Keep in mind that if you use 32-bit builds, you will NOT be able to use more than 4GiB memory, and performance will suffer due to the additional WoW64 emulation layer, and lack of SIMD instructions. The performance impact is especially noticeable in fftw (for audio spectrum) and AviSynth. Unless you are using some legacy tools that either no longer maintained, or for some reason cannot use 64-bit, or you are actually using a 32-bit CPU, please use the 64-bit version. SSE2 is still REQUIRED to run the 32-bit version.
Update 2019-11-11: Rebuilt win32 build due to missing uchardet.dll. Moved old builds to (They are not for daily use, only for audit purpose).

该版本发布自 wangqr/Aegisub ,基于原版的 r8942。
关于 v3.2.2 至 r8942 的更新记录,参见
r8942 之后的更新:

  • 添加了自动对帧 (@cqjjjzr)
  • 允许自定义可视化排版工具的标志颜色 (@CoffeeFlux)
  • 高分屏支持
  • 修正设置视频位置为起止时间、音频频谱模式中的时间偏移
  • 更新选项默认值 (@CoffeeFlux)
  • 修正更新依赖造成的编译错误
  • 实验性 CMake 工程

2019-09-10 更新: 为解决 #16 而重新构建
2019-10-02 更新: 增加了 win32 版本。请注意win32版本至多使用4GiB内存,且存在由WoW64模拟层和缺乏现代指令集带来的性能损失。性能损失主要体现在音频频谱FFT计算和AviSynth中。除非您使用无人维护或因种种原因不支持64位的插件,或者您的CPU确实是32位,否则您应当使用64位版本。即使您使用32位版本,您的CPU也需要支持SSE2指令集。
2019-11-11 更新: 重新构建 win32 版本以解决 uchardet.dll 缺失问题。不能正常使用的版本已移至 。这些版本仅为审计而保留,请不要使用它们。

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