๐ง Bug Fixes
- router: make props.to individually reactive (f15b57b), closes #19515
- VBtn: prevent keyboard tab while loading (#18639) (bf65296), closes #18524
- VChip: prevent default onClose (#19496) (3e3294a), closes #19461
- VDataTableServer: add missing VDivider above footer (#19488) (5f6c723)
- VDatePicker: fixed missing adapter abstractions (#19516) (cc96e14), closes #18942
- VField: pass events to clear slot (07cfde8)
- VFileInput: conditionally return single File instead of File[] (581bbbc)
- VListItem: remove hover effect when not clickable (#19506) (7f86562), closes #19005
- VOtpInput: don't convert null model to string (d93b9d7)
- VRangeSlider: mimic VSlider readonly behavior (8b00a5b)
- VSelects: focus / activation of chips and clearable w/ kb (#18838) (384d89e), closes #18482
- VSwitch: label when using direction vertical (#19504) (6748fd7), closes #18952