🔧 Bug Fixes
- date: use provided locale (fe38cb2), closes #18685
- locale: dataFooter.itemsPerPageText typo in fr locale (#18594) (e66f65e)
- router: match query with exact prop (870b091), closes #18724
- VCarousel: add missing control item class and styling (f5292a3)
- VDataTable: pass minWidth to headers (2f8a4b4), closes #18727
- VDataTable: add missing footer divider and update padding (48c6573)
- VDataTable: remove custom pagination for v-pagination component (d84591e), closes #16447
- VDatePicker: always emit month when clicking prev or next (9269530)
- VDatePickerMonth: apply month/year updates when displayValue changes (6901d24)
- VDatePickerMonth: use min / allowed-dates in displayDate calculation (05db921)
- VDatePickerMonth: convert min/max to date for isAfter function (2faefa8)
- VOtpInput: disable input when prop.disabled is true (#18697) (9d3eb14), closes #18690
- VPagination: properly check if totalVisible prop has a value (a822307)
- VPagination: hide visible items if value is <= 0 (3a52406)
- VPagination: set circle border radius when using rounded prop (5b0055b)
- VSelect: add option role to VListItem elements (#18629) (82e596e), closes #17767 #16881
- VSelectionControlGroup: default readonly value (#18513) (7e3f892), closes #18424
- VSlideGroup: disable prev/next button clicks (e522e3f), closes #18706
- VTab: pass through VBtn slots (aeaa776)
- VTable: font-color, size, and icon size (ecbf74e)