- Performance monitoring
- Component tree tag
- Performance Timeline layer with flamechart
- Option to disable it in the Global Settings
- Inspector: display error stack trace
- 'log error to console' button
- timeline: group info in inspector
- timeline: vertical mouse wheel scroll on canvas
- inspector api: tree node tag tooltip support
- timeline api: new timeline layer options
- components: only attempt standard edit if type is data, props, setup or computed
- components: wrong app context in some hooks
- vue2: handling un-namespaced vuex module (#1442)
- vue2: handle error in getters
- vue2: improved error handling in computed
- vue3: handle errors in component fields
- vue3: component instance serialization
- timeline: colors if hexa starts with 0x00
- timeline: update layers positions issues
- timeline: event not found
- timeline: early events should not be cleared
- timeline: overlapping groups
- timeline: overhauled group collision checks
- timeline: infinite loop if no groups on layer
- timeline: improve scrollbar when small
- timeline: layers resetting too much causing glitches
- timeline: leak when clearing events
- timeline: error on event without PIXI container yet
- timeline: batch event position updates in microtask
- timeline: overhauled event mouse selection
- timeline: camera not updating on mounted
- timeline: leak on unmount