github vueComponent/ant-design-vue 1.5.4

latest releases: 4.2.3, 4.2.2, 4.2.1...
4 years ago


  • 🌟 DatePicker supports the align attribute and sets the popup position #1112f2
  • 🌟 DatePicker supports inputReadOnly attribute #138eae
  • 🌟 DatePicker TimePicker Calendar supports string-type binding values ​​#718
  • 🌟 Table ConfigProvider adds transformCellText for transforming table rendering values, such as processing of empty data #2109
  • 🌟 FormModel added validateMessages attribute #2130
  • 🌟 Optimize pop-up window animation effect #bf52f73
  • 🐞 Fix the tabBarGutter attribute of the Tabs component does not take effect #2083
  • 🐞 Fix renderTabBar of Tabs component not working #2157
  • 🌟 Tabs component supports number 0 as key #2167
  • 🐞 Fix the style of the Input.Search component is misaligned #2077
  • 🐞 Fix the style misalignment of Slider component #2097
  • 🐞 Fix Tree.TreeNode customTitle scope slot can not get selected status issue #2006
  • 🐞 Fix SelectTree showSearch error when reporting #2082
  • 🐞 Fix the inconsistent position of original dots in Badge dot state #2121



  • 🌟 DatePicker 支持 align 属性,设置弹窗位置 #1112f2
  • 🌟 DatePicker 支持 inputReadOnly 属性 #138eae
  • 🌟 DatePicker TimePicker Calendar 支持字符串类型的绑定值 #718
  • 🌟 Table ConfigProvider 新增 transformCellText 用于转换表格渲染值, 如对空数据的处理 #2109
  • 🌟 FormModel 新增 validateMessages 属性 #2130
  • 🌟 优化弹窗动画效果 #bf52f73
  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 组件的 tabBarGutter 属性不生效问题 #2083
  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 组件的 renderTabBar 不生效问题 #2157
  • 🌟 Tabs 组件支持数字 0 作为 key #2167
  • 🐞 修复 Input.Search 组件的样式错位问题 #2077
  • 🐞 修复 Slider 组件的样式错位问题 #2097
  • 🐞 修复 Tree.TreeNode customTitle 作用域插槽无法获取 selected 状态问题 #2006
  • 🐞 修复 SelectTree showSearch 时报错问题 #2082
  • 🐞 修复 Badge dot 状态的原圆点位置不一致问题 #2121

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