github vrtmrz/obsidian-livesync 0.0.8

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2 years ago

0.0.8 has been released

Database and synchronization dedupe has been implemented.

From this version, files are split into chunks and store with these hash.
and all entries represented as a list of a chunk.

To simplify, if chunk length is 5 chars,
If you write long text:
"supercalifragilisticexpialidocious "

will be stored as:
"super calif ragil istic expia lidoc ious " -> "ha hb hc hd he hf"

and you modify tail some letters:

will be stored as:
"super calif ragil istic expia lidoc ious!" -> "ha hb hc hd he hg"

And now, we only spent two (entry and hash:hg) new database items.
(Actually, a delete mark is synchronized too. In synchronization we have to transfer three items.)

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