github voyagermesh/voyager 9.0.0

latest releases: v2024.3.18, v2023.9.18, v2023.05.16...
5 years ago

Voyager 9.0.0 brings full HTTP/2 and gRPC support via HAProxy 1.9.2. The other notable features include support for configuring loadbalancing algorithm, support for mounting any configmap/secret into HAProxy pods, support for Kubernetes 1.13.0, support for Gandi V5 acme dns provider, improvements around finalizer for ingress, LE certificates now auto renew 15 days prior to expiration instead of 7 days and you can configure it via the spec.renewalBufferDays field in Certificate crd. This release requires Kubernetes 1.9.0 or later release. This release is fully backward compatible with 6.0.0+ release. To install/update, please follow the deployment guide here.

Download Docker images via:

docker pull appscode/voyager:9.0.0
docker pull appscode/haproxy:1.9.2-9.0.0-alpine (Alpine based, used by default)
docker pull appscode/haproxy:1.9.2-9.0.0 (Debian Stretch based)

What's Next?
We are exploring what's next for Voyager. As an ingress controller, its is mostly feature complete at this point. The obvious direction will be to grow Voyager into a full scale L7 api gateway and service mesh. We want to hear your feedback on the roadmap for Voyager. Please take 5 minutes to answer this survey:


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