github voyagermesh/voyager 3.1.3

latest releases: v2024.3.18, v2023.9.18, v2023.05.16...
6 years ago

Voyager 3.1.3 fixes a bug related to how often SSL certificates were issued from Let's Encrypt (LE). If you are using Voyager to automatically issue SSL certificates, please update to this patch release. For new users, follow the deployment guide here . Existing users can upgrade by updating voyager deployment to appscode/voyager:3.1.3.

Download Docker images via:

docker pull appscode/voyager:3.1.3
docker pull appscode/haproxy:1.7.6-3.1.0

Notable Changes

  • Fix RBAC permissions for cert controller.
  • Fix domain list checking to avoid reissuing certificates. This bug shows up in voyager logs as acme: Error 429 - urn:acme:error:rateLimited - Error creating new cert :: too many certificates already issued for exact set of domains.

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