github volatilityfoundation/volatility3 v2.8.0
Volatility 3 2.8.0

10 hours ago
  • New plugins:

    • vmscan
    • linux.netfilter
    • windows.hollowprocesses
    • windows.kpcrs
    • windows.pedump
    • windows.processghosting
    • windows.psxview
    • windows.registry.getcellroutine
    • windows.shimcachemem
    • windows.suspicious_threads
    • windows.svcdiff
    • windows.svclist
    • windows.threads
    • windows.timers
    • windows.unloadedmodules
  • Improvements to:

    • userassist with timeliner support
    • bugfixes and additions to windows.modules and windows.modscan
    • windows.callbacks plugin to support more callbacks
    • Smear protection on windows
    • Clearing the cache
    • Intel layer
    • Clang no longer using long unsigned int for pointers
    • argcomplete support

    Volatility 3 now uses features that require a minimum version of python >= 3.7.3.

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