github vmware/terraform-provider-vcd v3.13.0

3 days ago


  • Add support for VCD 10.6 (#1279)
  • New Guide Data Solution Extension and Solution Add-On management (#1286)
  • New Guide Site and Org associations to describe association operations for sites and organizations (#1260)
  • New Resource: vcd_solution_landing_zone to manage Solution Add-On Landing Zone (#1251)
  • New Data Source: vcd_solution_landing_zone to read Solution Add-On Landing Zone (#1251)
  • New Resource: vcd_solution_add_on to manage Solution Add-Ons (#1256)
  • New Data Source: vcd_solution_add_on to read Solution Add-Ons (#1256)
  • New Resource: vcd_solution_add_on_instance to manage Solution Add-On Instances (#1272)
  • New Data Source: vcd_solution_add_on_instance to read existing Solution Add-On Instances
  • New Resource: vcd_solution_add_on_instance_publish to manage publishing settings for
    Solution Add-On Instances (#1272)
  • New Data Source: vcd_solution_add_on_instance_publish to read publishing settings for
    Solution Add-On Instances (#1272)
  • New Resource: vcd_dse_registry_configuration to manage Data Solution Extension (DSE)
    Registry Configuration (#1284,#1286)
  • New Data Source: vcd_dse_registry_configuration to read Data Solution Extension (DSE)
    Registry Configuration (#1284,#1286)
  • New Resource: vcd_dse_solution_publish to manage DSE Solution publishing (#1284)
  • New Data Source: vcd_dse_solution_publish to read DSE Solution publishing (#1284)
  • New Data Source: vcd_multisite_site to read the state and associations of current site (#1260)
  • New Data Source: vcd_multisite_site_data to produce the association data needed to start a site association (#1260)
  • New Data Source: vcd_multisite_site_association to read the details of a site association (#1260)
  • New Resource: vcd_multisite_site_association to associate the current site with a remote one (#1260)
  • New Data Source: vcd_multisite_org_data to produce the association data needed to start an organization association (#1260)
  • New Data Source: vcd_multisite_org_association to read the details of an organization association (#1260)
  • New Resource: vcd_multisite_org_association to associate a local organization with a remote one (#1260)
  • New Resource: vcd_org_oidc to manage the Open ID Connect settings for an Organization (#1263)
  • New Data Source: vcd_org_oidc to read the Open ID Connect settings from an Organization (#1263)
  • New Resource: vcd_org_vdc_template to manage VDC Templates (#1276, #1280)
  • New Data Source: vcd_org_vdc_template to read VDC Templates (#1276)
  • New Resource: vcd_org_vdc_template_instance to instantiate VDC Templates (#1280)


  • Resource and data source vcd_vapp add fields vm_names, vapp_network_names, vapp_org_network_names to list VMs and vApp networks. (#1235)
  • Data source vcd_resource_list adds ability to list vcd_vapp_network, vcd_vapp_org_network, vcd_vapp_all_network to list vApp networks (#1235)
  • Resource and data source vcd_external_network_v2 add support for Provider Gateway Topology
    intentions in VCD 10.5.1+ via fields nat_and_firewall_service_intention and
    route_advertisement_intention (#1239)
  • Resource vcd_nsxt_firewall supports REJECT action (#1240)
  • Resources vcd_vapp_vm and vcd_vm add property set_extra_config to add, modify, or remove VM extra configuration items (#1253, #1288)
  • Resources and data sources vcd_vapp_vm and vcd_vm add property extra_config to read existing VM extra configuration (#1253, #1288)
  • Resource and data source vcd_catalog_media exposed additional attribute catalog_item_id to
    expose catalog item ID (#1256)
  • Data source vcd_resource_list can now list site and organization associations (#1260)
  • The worker_pool block from vcd_cse_kubernetes_cluster resource allows to configure the
    cluster autoscaler with
    autoscaler_max_replicas and autoscaler_min_replicas arguments (#1269)
  • Data source vcd_resource_list can list VDC Templates (#1276)
  • Improve rde_type_behavior_acl documentation to state that redundant access levels should be avoided, especially
    in VCD 10.6+ to prevent undesired updates-in-place during plans (#1277)


  • Fix a missing Edge Gateway filter bug in vcd_nsxt_alb_edgegateway_service_engine_group resource
    (issue #1245) (#1246)
  • Fix Issue #1258: vcd_cse_kubernetes_cluster fails
    during creation when the chosen network belongs to a VDC Group (#1266)
  • Fix Issue #1265: The kubeconfig attribute from
    vcd_cse_kubernetes_cluster resource and data source is now marked as sensitive (#1266)
  • Fix a bug where vcd_nsxt_distributed_firewall_rule resource could report incorrect firewall rule
    when using above_rule_id (issue
    #1202) (#1268)
  • Fix vcd_catalog_media resource so it doesn't wait indefinitely to the upload task to reach 100% progress,
    by checking also its status, to decide that the upload is complete or aborted (#1273)
  • Fix Issue 1170 where an imported VM complains about missing or altered fields and Terraform tries to re-create the resource (#1274)
  • Fix Issue #1202 - Resource and
    data source vcd_nsxt_edgegateway may crash due to exhausting memory while counting huge IPv6
    subnets by adding count limit defined inip_count_read_limit field (#1275)
  • Fix vcd_nsxt_ipsec_vpn_tunnel update operations, that failed in VCD 10.6+ when a security_profile_customization block is added
    to the IPSec VPN tunnel (#1282)
  • Fix resource vcd_nsxt_alb_settings so update operations don't fail in VCD 10.6+ (#1283)


  • Bump terraform-plugin-sdk to v2.34.0 (#1271)
  • Amend the test TestAccVcdRdeDuplicate so it doesn't fail on VCD 10.6+. Since this version, whenever a RDE is created
    in a tenant by the System Administrator, the owner is not "administrator" anymore, but "system" (#1278)
  • Tests for FLEX Org VDC must set memory_guaranteed when include_vm_memory_overhead=true
  • Amend TestAccVcdOrgOidc to check the redirect_uri in a case-insensitive way (#1282)
  • Amend TestAccVcdCatalogSharedAccess, it failed in VCD 10.6+ as the used VDC was missing the
    ResourceGuaranteedMemory parameter (Flex allocation model) (#1283)
  • Amend test TestAccVcdSubscribedCatalog to be compatible with VCD 10.6.0 (#1285)
  • Update vcd_subscribed_catalog resource documentation to state that metadata attribute is not available in
    VCD 10.6.0 (#1285)

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