github vmware/govmomi v0.31.0

latest releases: v0.38.0, v0.37.3, v0.37.2...
9 months ago

Release v0.31.0

Release Date: 2023-09-25


  • [b594bf1] Move to main

    Changing GoVmomi's default branch from master to main will likely result in dependents needing to repoint their clients and other integrations to the new, default branch.

  • [9920086] Generate JSON tags

    Updating the vim25/types with camelCased, JSON tags affects the output of the govc command when using the -json flag to emit results as JSON. Field names that used to be PascalCased will now be camelCased. Queries for tools that parse JSON, such as jq, will need to be updated to use the new camelCased fields.

    This change was made to support marshaling the eam, pbm, sms, vim, and vslm types to/from JSON using OpenAPI JSON discriminators.

  • [4f9f126] Change string to *string for Item.Description and Library.Description in library package

    • Test against a VC testbed

      Sending a UpdateLibraryItem request with this change, and set the new description to "". The original item description was " 6b0d06ad-8e18-4881-a806-2a7c8a7e1b4b", after this UpdateLibraryItem request succeeded, the item description was set to "". While before this change, it would be a no-op for the description.

    • Test using govc

      • Update Library

        Create a library:
        ➜  govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ govc library.create -d "description-1" cl-1
        ➜  govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ ~/go/bin/govc 495f611a-cf74-40d6-a54a-8b239cf15406
        Name:                 cl-1
          ID:                 495f611a-cf74-40d6-a54a-8b239cf15406
          Path:               /cl-1
          Description:        description-1
          Version:            2
          Created:            Fri Feb 17 19:18:22 2023
          Security Policy ID
            DatastoreID:      sharedVmfs-0
            Type:             DATASTORE
        Update the library description with new string:
        ➜  govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ ~/go/bin/govc library.update -d "new description" 495f611a-cf74-40d6-a54a-8b239cf15406
        ➜  govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ ~/go/bin/govc 495f611a-cf74-40d6-a54a-8b239cf15406
        Name:                 cl-1
          ID:                 495f611a-cf74-40d6-a54a-8b239cf15406
          Path:               /cl-1
          Description:        new description
          Version:            3
          Created:            Fri Feb 17 19:18:22 2023
          Security Policy ID
            DatastoreID:      sharedVmfs-0
            Type:             DATASTORE
        Update the item name, description is not erased.
        ➜  govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ ~/go/bin/govc library.update -n "cl-1-new" 495f611a-cf74-40d6-a54a-8b239cf15406
        ➜  govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ ~/go/bin/govc 495f611a-cf74-40d6-a54a-8b239cf15406
        Name:                 cl-1-new
          ID:                 495f611a-cf74-40d6-a54a-8b239cf15406
          Path:               /cl-1-new
          Description:        new description
          Version:            4
          Created:            Fri Feb 17 19:18:22 2023
          Security Policy ID
            DatastoreID:      sharedVmfs-0
            Type:             DATASTORE
        Update the library description with empty string:
        ➜  govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ ~/go/bin/govc library.update -d ""
        ➜  govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ ~/go/bin/govc 495f611a-cf74-40d6-a54a-8b239cf15406
        Name:                 cl-1-new
          ID:                 495f611a-cf74-40d6-a54a-8b239cf15406
          Path:               /cl-1-new
          Version:            5
          Created:            Fri Feb 17 19:18:22 2023
          Security Policy ID
            DatastoreID:      sharedVmfs-0
            Type:             DATASTORE
      • Update Library Item

        ➜  govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ ~/go/bin/govc library.update -d "item-2" /cl-1/image-2
        ➜  govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ ~/go/bin/govc /cl-1/image-2
        Name:                   image-2
          ID:                   0dc7df56-31e0-47dc-8b0a-6a33279ddccc
          Path:                 /cl-1/image-2
          Description:          item-2
          Type:                 ovf
          Size:                 2.0GB
          Created:              Wed Feb 15 23:05:15 2023
          Modified:             Fri Feb 17 19:29:54 2023
          Version:              3
          Security Compliance:  true
          Certificate Status:   INTERNAL
        Update item name:
        govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ ~/go/bin/govc library.update -n "image-2-new" /cl-1/image-2
        ➜  govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ ~/go/bin/govc /cl-1/image-2-new
        Name:                   image-2-new
          ID:                   0dc7df56-31e0-47dc-8b0a-6a33279ddccc
          Path:                 /cl-1/image-2-new
          Description:          item-2
          Type:                 ovf
          Size:                 2.0GB
          Created:              Wed Feb 15 23:05:15 2023
          Modified:             Fri Feb 17 19:31:44 2023
          Version:              4
          Security Compliance:  true
          Certificate Status:   INTERNAL
        Update item description to empty string
        ➜  govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ ~/go/bin/govc library.update -d "" /cl-1/image-2-new
        ➜  govmomi git:(issue-3048) ✗ ~/go/bin/govc /cl-1/image-2-new
        Name:                   image-2-new
          ID:                   0dc7df56-31e0-47dc-8b0a-6a33279ddccc
          Path:                 /cl-1/image-2-new
          Type:                 ovf
          Size:                 2.0GB
          Created:              Wed Feb 15 23:05:15 2023
          Modified:             Fri Feb 17 19:32:56 2023
          Version:              5
          Security Compliance:  true
          Certificate Status:   INTERNAL

🐞 Fix

  • [8f9e549] govc vm.clone failure when using 'cluster' option (#3208)
  • [b22f730] govc VM count with multiple DCs
  • [65814f0] Update some goreleaser deprecated fields (#3181)
  • [b4eac19] check the error chain when validating if it's x509 error (#3174)
  • [86cadf2] Fix the gorelease
  • [1711a84] avoid modifying client transport outside of NewClient (#3161)
  • [313aa85] share http.Transport with service clients (#3039)
  • [f81f3b3] grep warnings during generating usage documentation
  • [2d11115] support binary and dateTime in JSON (#3127)
  • [c4ffe46] add esxcli.Fault and revert Error() string (#3072)
  • [93cb079] byte, float and int (de) serialization (#3121)
  • [8bc2caa] avoid govc -verbose flag panic if an UpdateSet is nil (#3088)
  • [9ba1b85] include StoragePod Datastore children in ContainerView (#3094)
  • [8b00a93] only limit the number of samples generated to maxSample when maxSample is greater than 0 and the number of samples to generate is greater than maxSample Closes: #3097 (#3097)
  • [4ed0763] support govc ls -xml flag (#3053)
  • [8554329] Pin the result limit of ssoadmin client to its MAX (#3004)

💡 Examples

💫 API Changes

  • [a03f473] Fix errors w 8.0U2 GA update
  • [515df5d] Update generated types to vSphere 8.0U2 GA
  • [b7ceede] Prep to update types to vSphere 8.0U2 GA
  • [ccd07a0] Update generated types to vSphere 8.0U1c GA
  • [4c00586] Prep to update types to vSphere 8.0U1c GA
  • [5431c33] Type/field comments for data structures; API versions
  • [4b2de28] Add SDK support for VM data sets (#3050)
  • [25865e5] set inventory path in SearchIndex.FindByInventoryPath (#3095)
  • [38d0ac0] Add JSON transport for vim25 (#3062)
  • [0938fba] Add ServerGuid to gen'd MoRef
  • [e09a412] support find.NetworkList by ID (#2626)
  • [e8fa981] support find.Network by cluster path
  • [4e6d642] JSON Discriminators for vim25/types
  • [9920086] Generate JSON tags

💫 govc (CLI)

  • [c4d851b] Add CLI support for VM data sets (#3050)
  • [02f353d] Command to print device/backings model as tree
  • [af7833b] Fix memory aliasing in for loop (gosec G601)
  • [e17d884] add -file flag for cluster.module.rm
  • [e34c721] Add CLI device protocol support for (#3167)
  • [48bdfad] Add --help
  • [28014f9] Add general usage message (#3054)
  • [e5f3cd0] add detail error message for host.esxcli commands (#3073)
  • [81733d0] add command (#2524)
  • [daaaca0] Add support for CNS volume snapshots
  • [477bf69] Support JSON protocol using environment variable (#3062)
  • [b8007c4] dont check poweredOn for vm.console vmrc requests (#2127)
  • [6b34770] add sso.idp.ldap.update command (#3057)
  • [e5b2aa3] Add feature VM IOMMU enablement support (#3055)
  • [f4c678a] Add checksum validation to govc import.ova (#1978)
  • [e935b5a] Add feature to get and set default idp (#3023)

💫 vcsim (Simulator)

  • [35ec7c3] Add simulator support for VM data sets (#3050)
  • [c77de71] Introduce separation btw new service instance & infra creation
  • [2b5c457] add interactive debug github action stage
  • [9b2ef98] use docker event for efficient monitoring
  • [6f34f13] container backing respects changes via reconfigure
  • [6248cbf] create underlay network for pNICs in container-backed hosts
  • [6b7b0df] per-host OptionManager instances and differentiated roles
  • [387dc6e] support container backing for hosts
  • [fdb4d84] untangle container/VM to allow reuse of container logic for hosts
  • [9d8380c] Fix RefreshDatastore to return a valid response (#3198)
  • [47dd6e0] add PerformanceManager counter values
  • [65b6c51] add lookup.EndpointURL tests
  • [cd9446c] apply PCI UnitNumber offset of 7 for ethernet
  • [1135605] set StandbyMode default to "none"
  • [0a351a8] Add RUN.env flag to inject environment variables to container-backed VM
  • [112777b] Fix VM ExtraConfig
  • [e621790] make task lock handoff optional (#2351)
  • [6c0ed53] async guest shutdown and standby
  • [297c79b] add VirtualMachine.StandbyGuest support
  • [7a04bd0] Fix FindByInventoryPath to handle root folder (#3119)
  • [78a979c] Add CSV format support to QueryPerf API (#3103)
  • [c62983f] add ssoadmin user and group management (#2852)
  • [eb9c11c] add

📃 Documentation

  • [e4a3688] Add README to vendored JSON pkg

🧹 Chore

  • [2fab8d5] Update version.go for v0.31.0
  • [c460f70] Dockerfile & steps for generating types
  • [7e49056] add missing guest OS IDs
  • [0ed91a2] bump embano1/wip
  • [c600508] Err on json.Decode for invalid type/vals
  • [2f5d7c6] fix WaitForUpdates bats test race
  • [03718c0] remove sso bats test hacks
  • [4aad418] upgrade to bats-core v1.9.0 release
  • [d1af63f] fix jq query case
  • [91f51cf] sync httptest/server race fix
  • [80e6b73] add timeout to bats tests
  • [3158766] adjust cert trust checks to support newer Go versions (#3001)
  • [4153cba] Update CI to Go 1.20
  • [5b3da2e] upgrade golangci-lint
  • [825c73c] bats related fixes
  • [1991de5] Remove JSON tag for "This" / ArrayOf "_value"
  • [b594bf1] Move to main
  • [e639aba] Exclude vim25/json from CodeStyle workflow
  • [908aa06] Include LICENSE in vendored JSON pkg
  • [5caa20a] JSON Encoding w Discriminator Support
  • [a581fd0] Vendor Go 1.17.13 encoding/json

📖 Commits

  • [2fab8d5] chore: Update version.go for v0.31.0
  • [a03f473] api: Fix errors w 8.0U2 GA update
  • [515df5d] api: Update generated types to vSphere 8.0U2 GA
  • [b7ceede] api: Prep to update types to vSphere 8.0U2 GA
  • [3fb5b82] Use Envoy sidecar for guest and datastore file transfer.
  • [ccd07a0] api: Update generated types to vSphere 8.0U1c GA
  • [4c00586] api: Prep to update types to vSphere 8.0U1c GA
  • [5431c33] api: Type/field comments for data structures; API versions
  • [c4d851b] govc: Add CLI support for VM data sets (#3050)
  • [35ec7c3] vcsim: Add simulator support for VM data sets (#3050)
  • [4b2de28] api: Add SDK support for VM data sets (#3050)
  • [02f353d] govc: Command to print device/backings model as tree
  • [8f9e549] fix: govc vm.clone failure when using 'cluster' option (#3208)
  • [db07615] build(deps): bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 4 to 5
  • [00407ce] build(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4
  • [c77de71] vcsim: Introduce separation btw new service instance & infra creation
  • [b22f730] fix: govc VM count with multiple DCs
  • [af7833b] govc: Fix memory aliasing in for loop (gosec G601)
  • [73b4535] build(deps): bump from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1
  • [e6bb6ce] govc/library: fix dropped error
  • [e17d884] govc: add -file flag for cluster.module.rm
  • [f636e96] Address review comments
  • [2b5c457] vcsim: add interactive debug github action stage
  • [9b2ef98] vcsim: use docker event for efficient monitoring
  • [6f34f13] vcsim: container backing respects changes via reconfigure
  • [6248cbf] vcsim: create underlay network for pNICs in container-backed hosts
  • [6b7b0df] vcsim: per-host OptionManager instances and differentiated roles
  • [387dc6e] vcsim: support container backing for hosts
  • [fdb4d84] vcsim: untangle container/VM to allow reuse of container logic for hosts
  • [40264da] Trim leading slash on soap path
  • [9d8380c] vcsim: Fix RefreshDatastore to return a valid response (#3198)
  • [47dd6e0] vcsim: add PerformanceManager counter values
  • [c6a9ac8] Bypass lookup svc for STS and SSOadmin clients
  • [ddfd7eb] remove bad spacing in new pull request template
  • [65b6c51] vcsim: add lookup.EndpointURL tests
  • [c460f70] chore: Dockerfile & steps for generating types
  • [4cf0b76] Allow picking datastore upload URL scheme by env
  • [319e472] build: quote golang version in release file to workaround issue in github action Close #3179 (#3179)
  • [65814f0] fix: Update some goreleaser deprecated fields (#3181)
  • [b4eac19] fix: check the error chain when validating if it's x509 error (#3174)
  • [cd9446c] vcsim: apply PCI UnitNumber offset of 7 for ethernet
  • [3322f61] Merge branch 'main' of into notable-user-otel-contrib
  • [e34c721] govc: Add CLI device protocol support for (#3167)
  • [eebdbef] add opentelemetry collector contrib as notable user
  • [86cadf2] fix: Fix the gorelease
  • [1711a84] fix: avoid modifying client transport outside of NewClient (#3161)
  • [313aa85] fix: share http.Transport with service clients (#3039)
  • [d648a21] add cnssyncdatastore API
  • [5c7bf5f] Remove client request log from debug tracing (#3154)
  • [1135605] vcsim: set StandbyMode default to "none"
  • [48bdfad] govc: Add --help
  • [f81f3b3] fix: grep warnings during generating usage documentation
  • [28014f9] govc: Add general usage message (#3054)
  • [0a351a8] vcsim: Add RUN.env flag to inject environment variables to container-backed VM
  • [112777b] vcsim: Fix VM ExtraConfig
  • [e621790] vcsim: make task lock handoff optional (#2351)
  • [6c0ed53] vcsim: async guest shutdown and standby
  • [7e49056] chore: add missing guest OS IDs
  • [297c79b] vcsim: add VirtualMachine.StandbyGuest support
  • [833cf28] build(deps): bump from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4
  • [2d11115] fix: support binary and dateTime in JSON (#3127)
  • [2731f2d] Rm SetIndent in json.NewEncoder / JSON file name
  • [0ed91a2] chore: bump embano1/wip
  • [c4ffe46] fix: add esxcli.Fault and revert Error() string (#3072)
  • [174fb99] build(deps): bump from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3
  • [e5f3cd0] govc: add detail error message for host.esxcli commands (#3073)
  • [c65a846] build(deps): bump chuhlomin/render-template from 1.6 to 1.7
  • [93cb079] fix: byte, float and int (de) serialization (#3121)
  • [7a04bd0] vcsim: Fix FindByInventoryPath to handle root folder (#3119)
  • [81733d0] govc: add command (#2524)
  • [685bd76] Add RUN.port.xx flag to publish ports on container backed VM
  • [8bc2caa] fix: avoid govc -verbose flag panic if an UpdateSet is nil (#3088)
  • [78a979c] vcsim: Add CSV format support to QueryPerf API (#3103)
  • [9ba1b85] fix: include StoragePod Datastore children in ContainerView (#3094)
  • [8b00a93] fix: only limit the number of samples generated to maxSample when maxSample is greater than 0 and the number of samples to generate is greater than maxSample Closes: #3097 (#3097)
  • [25865e5] api: set inventory path in SearchIndex.FindByInventoryPath (#3095)
  • [c600508] chore: Err on json.Decode for invalid type/vals
  • [5a2fa4f] build(deps): bump nokogiri from 1.13.10 to 1.14.3 in /gen
  • [4ed5b07] Make mounting DMI information optional with docker-backed vcsim
  • [a1c8c4c] build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 4 to 5
  • [8bcff40] build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-or-update-comment from 2 to 3
  • [daaaca0] govc: Add support for CNS volume snapshots
  • [bf0510b] build(deps): bump from 0.5.7 to 0.5.9
  • [477bf69] govc: Support JSON protocol using environment variable (#3062)
  • [38d0ac0] api: Add JSON transport for vim25 (#3062)
  • [4ed0763] fix: support govc ls -xml flag (#3053)
  • [2f5d7c6] chore: fix WaitForUpdates bats test race
  • [03718c0] chore: remove sso bats test hacks
  • [4aad418] chore: upgrade to bats-core v1.9.0 release
  • [d1af63f] chore: fix jq query case
  • [91f51cf] chore: sync httptest/server race fix
  • [80e6b73] chore: add timeout to bats tests
  • [49f82b8] build(deps): bump actions/stale from 7 to 8
  • [b8007c4] govc: dont check poweredOn for vm.console vmrc requests (#2127)
  • [0938fba] api: Add ServerGuid to gen'd MoRef
  • [71493ef] examples: add rest.Client.LoginByToken
  • [3bf4694] examples: add session.Manager.LoginByToken (#3037)
  • [c62983f] vcsim: add ssoadmin user and group management (#2852)
  • [3158766] chore: adjust cert trust checks to support newer Go versions (#3001)
  • [4153cba] chore: Update CI to Go 1.20
  • [5b3da2e] chore: upgrade golangci-lint
  • [b3a9e0c] build(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 3 to 4
  • [6b34770] govc: add sso.idp.ldap.update command (#3057)
  • [e5b2aa3] govc: Add feature VM IOMMU enablement support (#3055)
  • [1ea4b00] build(deps): bump from 0.3.7 to 0.3.8 in /hack/tools
  • [4f9f126] Use string pointer for library/item description field.
  • [e09a412] api: support find.NetworkList by ID (#2626)
  • [e8fa981] api: support find.Network by cluster path
  • [ea05845] lookup.EndpointURL should only save thumbprints for endpoints outside of vCenter
  • [eb9c11c] vcsim: add
  • [825c73c] chore: bats related fixes
  • [f4c678a] govc: Add checksum validation to govc import.ova (#1978)
  • [1991de5] chore: Remove JSON tag for "This" / ArrayOf "_value"
  • [e935b5a] govc: Add feature to get and set default idp (#3023)
  • [1970ec3] build(deps): bump actions/stale from 6 to 7
  • [8554329] fix: Pin the result limit of ssoadmin client to its MAX (#3004)
  • [b594bf1] chore: Move to main
  • [4e6d642] api: JSON Discriminators for vim25/types
  • [9920086] api: Generate JSON tags
  • [e639aba] chore: Exclude vim25/json from CodeStyle workflow
  • [e4a3688] docs: Add README to vendored JSON pkg
  • [908aa06] chore: Include LICENSE in vendored JSON pkg
  • [5caa20a] chore: JSON Encoding w Discriminator Support
  • [dc1a57e] build(deps): bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 3 to 4
  • [a581fd0] chore: Vendor Go 1.17.13 encoding/json
  • [9bd958a] build(deps): bump nokogiri from 1.13.9 to 1.13.10 in /gen

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