github vmware-tanzu/sonobuoy v0.18.1

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4 years ago

Sonobuoy v0.18.1

What's new

Sonobuoy now supports plugins providing their own results file in the Sonobuoy metadata format for use in the sonobuoy results workflow. For more details, please see our documentation for this feature.

What's better

  • Fixed a bug where Sonobuoy would crash if a pod it was checking was in Waiting state but did not yet have a StartTime.


e98209e Prepare v0.18.1 release (#1114)
2a34c45 Add documentation for manual results type (#1112)
4fc098c Add verbose flag when creating kind cluster (#1113)
63f3eba Upgrade to go 1.14 (#1111)
cbc6c0c Upgrade to Kind 0.7.0 (#1110)
423b133 Add a new results format: manual (#1090)
b1016cc Fix crash when running sonobuoy in serverless kubernetes cluster (#1108)

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