github vmware-tanzu/pinniped v0.18.0

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2 years ago

Release v0.18.0

Release Image

Image Registry VMware Harbor DockerHub

These images can also be referenced by their digest: sha256:95e1f1d62cb00328636ae73758153bd698207e8734f8500949fa4d32c0719b57.


This release introduces a web UI for authenticating to LDAP and AD identity providers and changes the default Pod log format to be JSON.

Major Changes

  • The Supervisor and Concierge logs now default to outputting all log messages in a JSON format (#1145). The previous log format may still be configured, but is now deprecated and will be removed in some future release. The Pinniped CLI's log format has also been improved.

  • Users may now optionally log in to LDAPIdentityProviders and ActiveDirectoryIdentityProviders using a new web-based UI hosted by the Supervisor (#1163, #1180). Previously, the only option was to log in via CLI prompts. The new web UI gives flexibility in situations where CLI prompts may be inconvenient, such as in IDE integrations, and will also be used by the upcoming dynamic clients feature which will allow Pinniped to offer authentication to webapps. This implements the proposal from #1116. Usage is described in the login documentation.

For more information about these new features, please see the blog post for this release.

Minor Changes

  • Update Go to v1.18.3, update Kubernetes libraries to 0.24.1, and update several other project dependencies (#1186).

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a minor bug in how error messages are returned to the client for certain edge cases in the authorization endpoint when the client requests response_mode=form_post and also makes a bad request (#1179).

A complete list of changes (63 commits, 295 changed files with 20,824 additions and 2,146 deletions) can be found here.


  • Thanks to @vrabbi for giving feedback on the proposed user experience of the LDAP/AD login page during design of that feature.

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