Kubeapps v2.3.4 (chart version 7.3.1) is a new patch release that includes several bug fixes and dependency upgrades in 132 different PRs. Most of the interesting work was done by the community since we've been continuing our push for the new Kubeapps API backend (more below). Thanks to @aanthonyrizzo for the improvements to default theme handling and dynamic loading of custom components, and @fevisera for improvements to the context selector.
Apart from bug fixes and documentation improvements, we've continued working on revamping the Kubeapps backend so that we will be able to support multiple package formats (like Helm, Helm using Fluxv2 or Carvel Packages) in the future. We plan to follow up within a week with another release that begins to use the new backend API.
To install this release, ensure you add the Bitnami charts repository to your local Helm cache:
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm repo update
Install the Kubeapps Helm chart:
kubectl create namespace kubeapps
helm install kubeapps --namespace kubeapps bitnami/kubeapps
To get started with Kubeapps, check out this walkthrough.
General changes
- (#3152) Add check for empty charts - Thanks to @ram-pi
- (#3175) Enable or disable change context button based on clusters and namespaces - Thanks to @fevisera
- (#3191) feat(dashboard): Add default theme value - Thanks to @aanthonyrizzo
- (#3200) Add missing files under "skip-auth-regex"
- (#3209) Improve theme switcher mechanism
- (#3242) feat(form): Allow remote loading for form components - Thanks to @aanthonyrizzo
- (#3287) replicated fix previously mad for create to upgrade as well
- (#3289) allow upgrade support for chart with the optional app version not specified
New Kubeapps-APIs service
- (#3118) Httpclient
- (#3147) Add messages for GetInstalledPackageSummaries and generate unimplemented client methods.
- (#3151) Filters and pagination in fluxv2 plug-in
- (#3154) Re-instate the userAgent config when fetching charts.
- (#3155) Add grpcweb stack
- (#3161) Update so plugins are passed a rest.Config getter rather than a client getter
- (#3169) Add implementation for GetInstalledPackageSummaries.
- (#3170) [kubeappsapis] Add missing fields + initial core GetAvailablePackageDetail
- (#3172) Populate AvailablePackageSummary.Name
- (#3174) [kubeappsapis] Fix typo in proto + minor gen docs
- (#3179) Include the latest package version in the installed pkg summaries.
- (#3183) Fix merge of my PR which wasn't updated after Antonio's rename.
- (#3185) Update to enable individual plugins for apis server
- (#3186) Further fluxv2 plugin features
- (#3187) Remove unnecessary and incorrect check on maintainers.
- (#3195) Add chart files to response for AvailablePackageDetail
- (#3203) [kubeappsapis] Return categories as part of the GetAvailablePackageSummariesResponse
- (#3204) [kubeappsapis] Add kubeappsapis in CI
- (#3206) Add AppVersion and Status to GetInstalledPackageSummaries.
- (#3207) Further fluxv2 plugin features 2
- (#3217) Initial InstalledPackageDetail message and request/response.
- (#3218) Fix StatusReason enum so that buf lint doesn't complain.
- (#3220) Fix test which depended on map key order.
- (#3224) [kubeappsapis] Minor fix in condition when using the dev env
- (#3225) Ignore FilterOptions for the namespace categories
- (#3228) GetInstalledPackageSummaries in fluxv2 plug-in
- (#3251) Add GetInstalledPackageDetail implementation.
- (#3261) add GetInstalledPackageDetail() for fluxv2 plugin
- (#3262) [1/n] UI improvements - Automatic import sort
- (#3264) [2/n] UI improvements - Remove old jsonschema4, use ajv instead
- (#3280) Update server.KubernetesConfigGetter to support cluster arg
- (#3281) Add repo url, home and sources to availablepackagedetail
- (#3282) Support multi-cluster with helm plugin
- (#3286) add PostInstallationNotes to fluxv2 GetInstalledPackageDetail
- (#3290) Update messages to use PackageAppVersion in response messages
- (#3291) Populate the
field. - (#3304) Fix bug induced by a typo
- (#3111) A little extra help since we're requiring signed-off commits
- (#3130) Update release docs
- (#3139) Remove additional Pinniped instructions from TKG docs
- (#3212) Add minor fixes and correct typos in TKG guide
- (#3244) docs: add namespace flag for retrieve token example
- (#3276) Fix typo pointed out on #3275.
- (#3066) Update to support k8s 1.21 requiring dex update.
- (#3219) Add some logging when creating a screenshot.
- (#3135) Sync chart with bitnami/kubeapps chart (version 7.1.5)
- (#3148) Sync chart with bitnami/kubeapps chart (version 7.1.6)
- (#3201) Sync chart with bitnami/kubeapps chart (version 7.1.7)
- (#3214) Sync chart with bitnami/kubeapps chart (version 7.1.8)
- (#3237) Sync chart with bitnami/kubeapps chart (version 7.2.1)
- (#3306) Prepare deps and chart for release
Dependency upgrades
- (#3292) Remove babel parser workaround
- (#3163) Upgrade UI deps
- (#3117) Bump @types/react-router-hash-link from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1
- (#3119) Bump @types/react-redux from 7.1.16 to 7.1.17
- (#3121) Bump @types/pako from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
- (#3122) Bump @types/react-transition-group from 4.4.1 to 4.4.2
- (#3123) Bump @types/diff from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1
- (#3124) Bump @types/react-router-dom from 5.1.7 to 5.1.8
- (#3125) Bump @cds/core and @cds/react
- (#3126) Bump @types/semver from 7.3.6 to 7.3.7
- (#3127) Bump @types/react from 17.0.13 to 17.0.14
- (#3129) Bump @types/node from 16.0.1 to 16.3.0
- (#3131) Bump immutable from 4.0.0-rc.12 to 4.0.0-rc.14
- (#3132) Bump @types/react-redux from 7.1.17 to 7.1.18
- (#3133) Bump @types/react-helmet from 6.1.1 to 6.1.2
- (#3134) Bump @types/redux-mock-store from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
- (#3136) Bump @types/jest from 26.0.23 to 26.0.24
- (#3137) Bump stylelint-config-recommended-scss from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0
- (#3138) Bump @types/jsonwebtoken from 8.5.3 to 8.5.4
- (#3140) Bump sass from 1.35.1 to 1.35.2
- (#3141) Bump @types/node from 16.3.0 to 16.3.1
- (#3142) Bump @types/react-jsonschema-form from 1.7.5 to 1.7.6
- (#3145) Bump anyhow from 1.0.41 to 1.0.42
- (#3149) Bump lint-staged from 11.0.0 to 11.0.1
- (#3153) Bump @types/node from 16.3.1 to 16.3.2
- (#3158) Bump ajv from 8.6.1 to 8.6.2
- (#3159) Bump @types/node from 16.3.2 to 16.3.3
- (#3160) Bump stylelint-scss from 3.19.0 to 3.20.0
- (#3166) Bump @types/ws from 7.4.6 to 7.4.7
- (#3167) Bump stylelint-scss from 3.20.0 to 3.20.1
- (#3168) Bump tokio from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2
- (#3171) Bump @types/node from 16.3.3 to 16.4.0
- (#3177) Bump ts-jest from 26.5.6 to 27.0.4
- (#3178) Bump hyper from 0.14.10 to 0.14.11
- (#3182) Bump @types/node from 16.4.0 to 16.4.1
- (#3184) Bump tokio from 1.8.2 to 1.9.0
- (#3188) Bump @formatjs/cli from 4.2.27 to 4.2.28
- (#3190) Bump lint-staged from 11.0.1 to 11.1.0
- (#3192) Bump @cds/core and @cds/react
- (#3193) Bump @types/react from 17.0.14 to 17.0.15
- (#3194) Bump @types/node from 16.4.1 to 16.4.3
- (#3196) Bump @formatjs/cli from 4.2.28 to 4.2.29
- (#3197) Bump @types/semver from 7.3.7 to 7.3.8
- (#3198) Bump sass from 1.35.2 to 1.36.0
- (#3199) Bump lint-staged from 11.1.0 to 11.1.1
- (#3202) Bump react-intl from 5.20.4 to 5.20.6
- (#3211) Bump @types/node from 16.4.3 to 16.4.4
- (#3215) Bump @types/node from 16.4.4 to 16.4.6
- (#3216) Bump serde_json from 1.0.64 to 1.0.65
- (#3222) Bump @types/node from 16.4.6 to 16.4.7
- (#3223) Bump serde_json from 1.0.65 to 1.0.66
- (#3229) Bump react-ace from 9.4.1 to 9.4.3
- (#3230) Bump sass from 1.36.0 to 1.37.0
- (#3231) Bump serde from 1.0.126 to 1.0.127
- (#3233) Bump ts-proto from 1.82.2 to 1.82.3
- (#3234) Bump sass from 1.37.0 to 1.37.4
- (#3238) Bump ts-proto from 1.82.3 to 1.82.4
- (#3239) Bump redux from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1
- (#3240) Bump puppeteer from 10.1.0 to 10.2.0
- (#3241) Bump sass from 1.37.4 to 1.37.5
- (#3243) Bump @cds/core and @cds/react
- (#3245) Bump ts-proto from 1.82.4 to 1.82.5
- (#3254) Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7
- (#3272) Bump @formatjs/cli from 4.2.29 to 4.2.31
- (#3274) Bump lint-staged from 11.1.1 to 11.1.2
- (#3277) Bump swagger-ui-react from 3.51.2 to 3.52.0
- (#3294) Bump sass from 1.37.5 to 1.38.0
- (#3295) Bump fast-json-patch from 3.0.0-1 to 3.1.0
- (#3296) Bump @cds/core and @cds/react
- (#3297) Bump @clr/ui from 12.0.1 to 12.0.2
- (#3300) Bump react-intl from 5.20.6 to 5.20.10
- (#3301) Bump @improbable-eng/grpc-web from 0.14.0 to 0.14.1
- (#3303) Bump @types/jest from 26.0.24 to 27.0.1