Welcome to the second pre-release of Kubeapps, while we work on fixing more small bugs that may appear, you can start using the latest features!
- Check out the brand new UI based on Clarity.
- Use a single Kubeapps instance to manage several clusters. You have all the documentation about it here.
- Try deploying and consuming Operators and Operator instances based on the Operator Framework.
Note that some deprecated features are going to be removed in 2.0: Helm 2 is no longer supported and MongoDB has been removed as a possibility for the backend database. Read more about it here.
To install this release, ensure you add the Bitnami charts repository to your local Helm cache:
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm repo update
Install the Kubeapps Helm chart:
kubectl create namespace kubeapps
helm install kubeapps --namespace kubeapps bitnami/kubeapps
To get started with Kubeapps, checkout this walkthrough.
- Fix style for several Access URLs (#2072) 0dc65a2 (Andres Martinez Gotor)
- Update the release notes template for helm 3 only. (#2070) 0196432 (Michael Nelson)
- Remove no-longer applicable limitation and add link to TKG example (#2067) e817ef7 (Michael Nelson)
- Remove docs related to tiller-proxy in chart readme. (#2064) 605f372 (Michael Nelson)
- Avoid beta tag when testing latest release 32c1a33 (Andres Martinez Gotor)
- Trigger release 2.0.0-beta.1 4604be6 (Andres Martinez Gotor)
- Update README.md 64ee948 (Andres Martinez Gotor)
- Update documentation to Kubeapps 2.0 (#2060) 47f3811 (Andres Martinez Gotor)
- Several bug fixes (#2061) 747a1a1 (Andres Martinez Gotor)
- Fix create-private-registry test flakiness (#2059) 78a8c7f (Andres Martinez Gotor)