github vitobotta/hetzner-k3s v0.5.9

latest releases: v2.0.9, v2.0.8, v2.0.7...
2 years ago
  • Ensure the releases command lists all the available k3s releases, not just the most recent ones
  • Require one or more networks to configure in the firewall to allow access to the Kubernetes API. In the previous version, access to the Kubernetes API was allowed from any network. Note that this is currently supported only for single master clusters; HA clusters use a load balancer for the Kubernetes API, but the Hetzner firewalls don't support protecting load balancers yet.
  • From clusters with k3s version equal or greater than v1.23.6+k3s1, now uses the wireguard-native flannel backend instead of the old wireguard backend (if encryption is enabled in the configuration)
  • Update CSI driver to support Kubernetes up to 1.24
  • Update System Upgrade Controller to 1.9.1 for k3s updates

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