github viridIT/vSMTP v3.0-rc.1

8 months ago

3.0 Release candidate 1

Hi everybody!

There was not much movement happening in this repository since a few months, except for a few bugfixes, because we were working behind the scene of the third version of vSMTP.

Architecture overall

We rebuilt the server from the ground up, moving from a monolithic architecture to a micro-service architecture, using AMQP as our main way of communication between services. The robust RabbitMQ AMQP broker is used to forward messages between
services and store messages in its powerful queue system.


Filtering is still available using the Rhai scripting language, we simply parted from naming the scripts vsl in favor of the original rhai extension.


Since vSMTP is now split into micro-services, we decided, at least for the time being, to release vSMTP with docker only.
Of course, It is also possible to build it from source.

Release candidate

This version introduces a lot of changes, and is still being refined. Thus, it is tagged as a release candidate and is not ready for production.


We moved from a GPL-3 license to a ELv2 license. Please refer to the license file for further information.


The documentation as also been rewritten from the ground up.
To install, setup and use vSMTP 3.0, please refer to, where the documentation is hosted!

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