github vipzhicheng/logseq-plugin-vim-shortcuts v0.1.0

latest releases: v0.1.20, v0.1.19, v0.1.18...
2 years ago


  • feat: add VIM command mode, trigger by shortcut: mod+shift+;,for now 10+ commands supported, and I'm sure that would be more.
  • feat: one useful commmand is: replace string like VIM. Input :%s/search/replace/modifiers, e.g. :%s/foo/bar/ig
  • feat: another useful command is: go to page. Input :go PAGENAME, e.g. :go 2022-02-22, also support go to block by :go ((blockId))
  • feat: some commands related to marks: :marks, :delmarks, :delmarks!, :mark.
  • more commands descriptions in README.

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