github vimeo/psalm 6.9.0
6.9.0 - Docker image!

latest release: 6.9.1
18 hours ago

Psalm now has an official docker image!

It uses a custom build of PHP built from scratch, running Psalm +30% faster on average than normal PHP (+50% faster if comparing to PHP without opcache installed).

To use it, simply run:

docker run -v $PWD:/app --rm -it /composer/vendor/bin/psalm --no-cache

Issues due to missing extensions can be fixed by enabling them in psalm.xml and/or requiring them in composer.json, see here » for more info.

Extensions not stubbed by Psalm itself (and thus not available as a psalm config option) may be stubbed using traditional PHP stubs.

What's Changed


Full Changelog: 6.8.9...6.9.0

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