github vim/vim-win32-installer v9.0.1447

latest releases: v9.1.0754, v9.1.0751, v9.1.0748...
17 months ago

Nightly Vim Windows build snapshots (more information).

If you do not know what to use, use the 32bit installer (use the signed one, if available).

Signed releases will occasionally be provided on a best effort approach.


  • 9.0.1447: condition is always true
  • 9.0.1446: unnecessary checks for the "skip" flag when skipping
  • 9.0.1445: openSUSE: configure doesn't find the Motif library
  • 9.0.1444: crash when passing NULL to setcmdline()
  • 9.0.1443: ending Insert mode when accessing a hidden prompt buffer
  • 9.0.1442: mapset() does not restore non-script context
  • 9.0.1441: MacOS: Python 3 using framework do not set dll name properly
  • 9.0.1440: "rvim" can execute a shell through :diffpatch
  • 9.0.1439: start Insert mode when accessing a hidden prompt buffer
  • 9.0.1438: .fs files are falsely recognized as forth files
  • 9.0.1437: test fails with different error number
  • 9.0.1436: cannot compare a typed variable with v:none
  • 9.0.1435: scrolling too many lines when 'wrap' and 'diff' are set
  • 9.0.1434: crash when adding package already in 'runtimepath'
  • 9.0.1433: on some systems the Lua library is not found
  • 9.0.1432: completion popup in wrong position with virtual text "above"
  • 9.0.1431: getscriptinfo() loops even when specific SID is given
  • 9.0.1430: Livebook files are not recognized
  • 9.0.1429: invalid memory access when ending insert mode
  • 9.0.1428: cursor in wrong position when leaving insert mode
  • 9.0.1427: warning for uninitialized variable
  • 9.0.1426: indent wrong after "export namespace" in C++


🔓 Unsigned Files:

  • gvim_9.0.1447_x86.exe
    32-bit installer (If you don't know what to use, use this one)
  • gvim_9.0.1447_x64.exe
    64-bit installer
    32-bit zip archive
    64-bit zip archive
    pdb files for debugging the corresponding 32-bit executable
    pdb files for debugging the corresponding 64-bit executable
Interface Information

See the README for detail.

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