github vim/vim-win32-installer v8.2.3732

latest releases: v9.1.0457, v9.1.0454, v9.1.0452...
2 years ago

Nightly Vim Windows build snapshots (more information).

If you do not know what to use, use the 32bit installer (use the signed one, if available).

Signed releases will occasionally be provided on a best effort approach.


  • 8.2.3732: "set! termcap" test fails
  • 8.2.3731: "set! termcap" shows codes in one column, but not keys
  • 8.2.3730: "/etc/Muttrc.d/README" gets filetype muttrc
  • 8.2.3729: no support for squirrels
  • 8.2.3728: internal error when passing range() to list2blob()
  • 8.2.3727: in a gnome terminal keys are recognized as mouse events
  • 8.2.3726: README file in a config directory gets wrong filetype
  • 8.2.3725: cannot use a lambda for 'completefunc' and 'omnifunc'


🔓 Unsigned Files:

  • gvim_8.2.3732_x86.exe
    32-bit installer (If you don't know what to use, use this one)
  • gvim_8.2.3732_x64.exe
    64-bit installer
    32-bit zip archive
    64-bit zip archive
    pdb files for debugging the corresponding 32-bit executable
    pdb files for debugging the corresponding 64-bit executable
Interface Informations

See the README for detail.

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