github video-dev/hls.js v1.0.1

latest releases: v1.5.13, v1.5.12, v1.5.11...
3 years ago


HLS.js v1.0.1 includes several bug fixes and improvements over the last release.

Demo Page

Changes Since The Last Release


  • Fixed level and track switching after the last segment has been appended - #3774
  • Fixed playback failure when the order of audio tracks within each group is inconsistent in the manifest - #3731 Resolves #3729
  • Changed how the “age” header is accessed - #3763 Resolves #3680
  • Fixed recursion when calling loadSource() in MEDIA_ATTACHED event - #3754 Resolves #3732
  • Fixed use of config.startPosition to override live sync position in live streams - #3740 Resolves #3736
  • Fixed audio group switching with fmp4 segmented audio tracks - #3748 Resolves #3741
  • Improved detection of fmp4 segments in m3u8 parser for streams with SIDX and no EXT-X-MAP tags - #3758 Resolves #3756
  • Made startLoad() and stopLoad() no-ops after destroy() - #3710
  • Made a minor change to the Loader interface (see below) - #3711
  • Fixed progressive fetch loader leaves video artifacts or glitches - #3755 Resolves #3747

API and Breaking Changes

If you are upgrading from version v0.14.17 or lower, see the MIGRATING guide for API changes between v0.14.x and v1.0.0.

This release includes a change to the Loader interface. Loader.getResponseHeader() has been replaced with Loader.getCacheAge(). If you have developed a custom loader for v1.0.0 you may need to make changes for your build or type checks. There should be no runtime impact. We will try to avoid changes like this in patch versions in the future.


To provide feedback please file a bug report or feature request via the issue tracker. For more details on how to contribute to HLS.js, see our CONTRIBUTING guide.

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