Nice, big update full of great suggestions from supporters and kind patrons of this project.
- Singer names! Each new device is prompted for a name when first adding a song, so that singer name is shown in the queue, splash, and nowplaying. This value persists in a cookie for that device.
- Administrator mode! Every karaoke party has some drunken mischief, this keeps things from getting out of hand ;) Can be enabled with "--admin-password " option. Log in via the info screen. Regular users can add songs, but cannot modify playback, queue order, or edit songs.
- VLC playback overlay can show the pikaraoke connection QR code with the "--show-overlay" option
- Advanced search option allows searching for non-karaoke results and downloading directly from a given Youtube URL.
- Expand the raspberry pi filesystem to fill the remainind SD card from the info screen.
- Loads of suggested UI improvements, polish, and optimizations.
- Bugfixes, refactoring