Released: 2023-06-28
Tagged Commit: bd4fb43
New Panels and Ehancements
- Blockstats panel now supports sub-panels for input and output script types
- Compass Hardware moved to deprecated-scripts and service file deleted
- Halving panel scaled better and informs number of blocks to go, estimated times
- Inscription Mempool now derives more file extensions and displays up to 24 images
- LNDHub panel now supports pagination and will show up to 6 accounts per page by default
- Renamed rofstatus to lndringoffire
- Renamed luxor-mining-hashrate to luxorpool
- Renamed mempoolblocks to mempoolspace
- Renamed ordinals to inscriptionparser
- Renamed satsperusd to satsperfiatunit
- Renamed ipaddress to ipaddresses to prevent a common package import problem
- Reorganized luxor dependencies
- Merged MinerBraiins and MinerMicroBT panels into new generalized Miner panel
- OP Return panel can be configured to exclude common phrases to improve signal to noise ratio
- Calls to get price info now saved locally and only update once an hour.
- Sats per USD can be rendered as triangle or s symbol in addition to square or circle
- Whirlpool Liquidity panel should indicate number of inputs required (default 5)
- New NodeyezPanel class can be used for bootstrapping new panels
- Refactored the following panels to use the new class format
- arthash
- blockhashdungeon
- blockheight
- blockstats
- compassminingstatus
- difficultyepoch
- fearandgreed
- fiatprice
- gasprice
- halving
- inscriptionmempool
- inscriptionparser (fka ordinals)
- ipaddresses (fka ipaddress)
- lndchannelbalance
- lndchannelfees
- lndhub
- lndringoffire (fka rofstatus)
- mempoolspace (fka mempoolblocks, mempool.json config)
- miner (from minerbraiins and minermicrobt)
- miningpool-braiinspool (fka braiinspool, slushpool)
- miningpool-f2pool (fka f2pool)
- miningpool-luxorpool (fka luxor-mining-hashrate w/o service and luxor.json config)
- nodeyezdual
- opreturn
- raretoshi
- satsperfiatunit (fka satsperusd)
- sysinfo
- utcclock
- whirlpoolclimix
- whirlpoolliquidity
- Improved support for nested fields in charting via dot notation
- Bitcoin related services no longer fail startup if there is no Bitcoin
- Bitcoin panels can now get data from remote bitcoin servers via REST (JSON-RPC)
- System Info icons have been encapsulated in VicariousIcons class
- Sample config files updated with changed and new property names with references to former names
- Blockhash Dungeon will no longer show duplicate logos in the maze
- Blockstats label for Segwit Prevalence corrected
- Braiinspool fix divide by zero bug
- Fiat Price fix to render with price down color if price has declined since last check
- Ordinals fix logging for active blocklist when request block higher than vetted
- Halving fix off by 1 calculation of new halving period
- Inscription Mempool fix to support multiple inscriptions in one transaction
- LNDHub fix crashing when checking payment by user