github vesoft-inc/nebula v1.1.0
Nebula Graph V1.1.0

latest releases: v3.8.0, v3.6.0, v3.5.0...
3 years ago


  • Remove the lock inside FunctionManager for better performance. #2273
  • Improve property-fetching performance by refactoring VertexHolder::getDefaultProp.#2249
  • Optimize GO statement performance by adopting unordered_map::reserve and vector::reserve, and removing storage query lock. #2268
  • Reduce the unnecessary creation of snapshots and optimize performance. #2287 #2318
  • Support configuring the prefix bloom filter for RocksDB. The prefix blooms can optimize QueryEdgeProps and QueryVertexProps performance, as well as reduce memory usage. #2274
  • Support configuring compaction_thread_limiter and rate_limiter options of RocksDB. #2251
  • Support obtaining RocksDB statistics through web service. #2262 #2243
  • Support more dynamically configurable options of RocksDB, such as max_open_files, memtable_huge_page_size. #2291
  • FETCH PROP ON supports fetching multiple tag properties on multiple vertexes. The previous command’s output can be passed to FETCH PROP ON as its input in the pipeline statement ("|"). FETCH PROP ON * supports getting the properties of multiple vertices. #2222 #117
  • Add a warning message for a partially successful query. #2290
  • Raft lease is always valid when replica_factor is set to 1. #2276


  • Fix the leader election failure that may occur during the balancing process. #2232
  • Fix the issue that there may be more than one election request after the RAFT election failed. #2305
  • Fix the issue that the logging of the original service can't be recorded to the log file when the service was started multiple times.  #2278 #2289
  • Fix the issue that StorageClient scanVertex and scanEdge interfaces failed to return the results after enable_multi_versions  is set to true. #2312
  • Fix the issue that USE SPACE and FIND PATH statements cannot work together in a query. #2303
  • Fix the issue that snapshots may be triggered unexpectedly. #2316
  • Fix the issue that storaged may crash when a vertex with related edges and index is deleted. #2335
  • Fix the issue that after  ALTER TAG/EDGE ADD <props>, LOOKUP ON the newly added properties may make graphd crash. #2341
  • Fix the stale data problem when using LRUCache. #2267
  • Fix the bug that meta service cannot be stopped in some cases. #2240
  • Fix the issue that MetaClientTest.HeartbeatTest may be hung if the target port has already been used. #2296
  • Fix the bug when stopping metad  before the initialization of job manager, metad may crash. #2332
  • Fix the bug that multiple indexes can exist for the same property set. #1695


  • Forbid range access for string-property indexes. For LOOKUP ON xxx WHERE xxx, if there are string properties in the WHERE clause, the exact-match index would be used to look up records. #2283 #2277
  • Forbid OR and XOR conditions in LOOKUP ON statement. #2283
  • The pipe (|) operation has deduped the input. #2292
  • The default value for rocksdb_disable_wal option has been changed to false. #2236

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