github vergoh/vnstat v2.10
vnStat 2.10

latest releases: v2.12, v2.11
2 years ago
  • Fixed
    • BandwidthDetection in BSD wasn't correctly converting kernel reported
      bits per second values to Mbits per second resulting in a sanity check
      being triggered and detected values not being used expect for PPPoE
      interfaces which incorrectly were detected as 64000 Mbit
    • Image output of 5 minute graph wasn't possible if data retention of the
      5 minute time period was configured as unlimited
      (pull request by Sebastian Lechte)
    • Estimates and average rates weren't calculated correctly for daily,
      monthly and yearly time periods when monitoring of the interface had been
      started during the ongoing time period
    • Estimates weren't being shown in summary output when OutputStyle or
      --style was configured with a value less than 2 (vnstat)
    • Alignment of column header in short output wasn't correct when
      OutputStyle or --style was configured with the value 0 (vnstat)
  • New
    • Support input of more than 31 characters in interface name when using
      interface1+interface2 syntax data merge queries
    • Support passing --config option multiple times, later files override
      earlier files if settings overlap (vnstat and vnstati)
    • Add configuration option EstimateVisible for controlling the visibility
      of the estimate line
    • Add configuration option EstimateText for modifying the default
      "estimated" text string when the estimate line is visible
    • Add --style support to -tr / --traffic output
    • Add summary option to --json and --xml outputs
    • Add timestamps to --json and --xml outputs
    • Add Prometheus compatible metrics endpoint cgi to examples

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