Minor Changes
- Types: makes types fn and config and getKey more strictly: #946
- Fix: do not cache when mutate throws an error synchronously: #977
- Perf: avoid unnecessary re-renders with the suspense mode: #979
- Fix: do not depend on navigator.onLine; code optimizations: #1004
- Fix: sync mutations are applied independently: #1003
- Fix: sync cache only on compare returns true: #907
- Optimize isValidating status: #967
- Clean up types: #1016
- Enable typescript strict mode: #1010
- Update README.md: #974
- Refactor: move DOM event handlers into web-preset: #972
- Add-infinite-scroll-example: #970
- Refactor: add the register prefix to onFocus and onReconnect: #993
- Add example using useSWRInfinite: #968
- Test: refactor use-swr-cache.test.tsx: #932
- Using vite2 and add playground to master: #995
- Test: refactor use-swr-config-callbacks.test.tsx: #933
- Keep old esm directory structure: #1011
Huge thanks to @koba04, @huozhi, @Kexin-Li, @promer94, @dingran, and @ramyareye for helping!