Core Changes
- Prevent append of trailing slash in cases where path ends with a file extension: #66636
- Update font data: #66730
- Use addDependency to track metadata route file changes: #66714
- fix: app-router prefetch crash when an invalid URL is passed to Link: #66755
- Ensure urlPathname is always a pathname: #63846
- build: Update
: #66698 - chore: bump turbo to 2.0.3: #66762
- Revert "chore: bump turbo to 2.0.3": #66775
Misc Changes
- Docs: Fix typo: #66749
- refactor: simplified lint-staged config: #66720
- docs(create-next-app): update Geist font reference: #66737
- remove related e2e workflow: #66758
- Log stdio for pull-turbo-cache script: #66759
- Update devDependecy prettier-plugin-tailwindcss: #66713
- test: add name re-export from client components as page case: #66760
- fix e2e deployment test action: #66721
- tweak deploy failure notification condition: #66769
- fix client-cache deploy tests: #66770
- fix app-custom-routes deploy test: #66773
Huge thanks to @delbaoliveira, @kshehadeh, @huozhi, @wyattjoh, @Marukome0743, @ztanner, @ijjk, @torresgol10, @lubieowoce, @kdy1, and @samcx for helping!