github vercel/next.js v13.5.3

9 months ago

Core Changes

  • only put css in entry_css_files: #55585
  • update taskfile to generate types during build: #55628
  • refactor: use fs.existsSync instead of accessSync: #55675
  • Capitalize compiling log: #55685
  • Split prerending by route kind: #55622
  • turbopack: Update the next/dist/esm rewrite ResolvePlugin: #55689
  • refactor: modernize get-online with dns/promises: #55674
  • ensure fetchServerResponse is a valid record when stored in router cache: #55690
  • fix(react-refresh-utils): avoid memory leaks caused by prevExports: #53797
  • fix(ts): allow auto-import of next/navigation: #55743
  • remove --watch from generate_types task: #55748
  • Remove the left padding in next info output: #55704
  • test(turbopack): remove escape hatches for custom turbopack bindings: #55757
  • fix: Invoke cancel, only if the stream is not closed: #55684
  • Revert "fix: Invoke cancel, only if the stream is not closed (#55684)": #55764
  • fix thenable types & update another incorrect cache record: #55758
  • turbopack: Rewrite ESM modules to CJS during client transition: #55693
  • Fix output log extra new line: #55770
  • Remove unused internal env var: #55762
  • fix Image when used with --experimental-https: #55775
  • chore: update turbopack to turbopack-230922.2: #55828
  • Move DefineEnv to separate file: #55811
  • Remove legacy checks for unstable_getXProps: #55813
  • Remove next-typescript check in webpack config: #55819
  • Correctly mark turbo sessions in telemetry: #55835
  • feat(turbopack): construct output path with distDir next.js config: #55613
  • Remove extra type: #55837
  • Update rust toolchain to nightly-2023-09-21: #55774
  • Remove unused internal env var: #55762
  • fix Image when used with --experimental-https: #55775
  • chore: update turbopack to turbopack-230922.2: #55828
  • Move DefineEnv to separate file: #55811
  • Remove legacy checks for unstable_getXProps: #55813
  • Remove next-typescript check in webpack config: #55819
  • Correctly mark turbo sessions in telemetry: #55835
  • feat(turbopack): construct output path with distDir next.js config: #55613
  • Remove extra type: #55837
  • Update rust toolchain to nightly-2023-09-21: #55774
  • Ensure next-swc-loader types are used: #55846
  • Use swc for runtime bundling: #55842
  • fix bugs pertaining to server actions + navigation: #55853
  • Ensure opentelemetry mismatched version error bubbles: #55868
  • test: re-enabled the disabled manifest test: #55810
  • Remove unnecessary Object.assign: #55882
  • Move experimental.runtime warning to config loading: #55880
  • Add experimental.strictNextHead to Turbopack: #55915
  • Loose types of app routes return value: #55849
  • Add trailingSlash, basePath, and assetPrefix to Turbopack: #55921
  • app router: ensure static prefetch renders loading.js: #55950

Documentation Changes

  • add tip for case sensitivity of imports: #55662
  • Docs - Fix VSCode Full Stack Debugging Regex Pattern: #55670
  • Feedback: Remove line saying server actions is dynamic-only: #55746
  • Update 01-pages-and-layouts.mdx: #55795
  • fix typo in API Reference - Image Component: #55776
  • Update 01-pages-and-layouts.mdx: #55795
  • fix typo in API Reference - Image Component: #55776
  • docs: useFormState: #55564
  • Update 10-testing.mdx: #55801
  • Revert "fix typo in API Reference - Image Component": #55889
  • Fix missing async keyword in function declaration: #55887
  • docs: Add note that Server Actions work with static routes: #55626
  • docs: Add example on query parameters in route handlers: #55789

Example Changes

  • Fix/upgrade examples with clerk: #55676
  • Fix/upgrade examples data fetch: #55695

Misc Changes

  • Upgrade to latest NAPI-RS infra: #55505
  • ci(tests): enable turbopack /e2e tests: #55681
  • chore: bump nissuer: #55723
  • improve CI log: #55736
  • fix(cna): separate dependencies/devDependencies: #55730
  • misc: improve profiling script: #55732
  • test(fixture): prevent start failure teardowns whole process: #55760
  • Update fnm setup for CI: #55765
  • test(turbopack): explicitly clean up instance for turbopack: #55772
  • Update flakey next-image tests: #55838
  • Update flakey next-image tests: #55838
  • Allow filtering individual test cases inside test files: #55786
  • Move client-navigation test to test/development: #55888
  • Ensure Turbopack passing test list is sorted: #55948


Huge thanks to @sokra, @ztanner, @anonrig, @huozhi, @mayank1513, @travisanderson, @wyattjoh, @jridgewell, @ryanagillie, @Brooooooklyn, @kwonoj, @balazsorban44, @naruaway, @S3Prototype, @feedthejim, @joulev, @icyJoseph, @ijjk, @ForsakenHarmony, @timneutkens, @wbinnssmith, @sdkdeepa, @sdaigo, @leerob, @dominiksipowicz, @joao-vasconcelos, and @mostafaegouda for helping!

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